Chapter 8 ✔

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Sora lay on her bed, playing with her red shark and blue dolphin plushies. Somehow, it didn't make her happy like it usually did. She thought about how she acted at dinner time. She thought that she shouldn't have brought up the idea of swimming in the Olympic, at least not to her mother. The regret she now felt was incredibly discomforting.

Only a few hours ago, Sora clearly remembered her uncle Makoto asking her whether she hated her father. Her response was justifiable as she never really knew much about him to be able to feel hatred towards the man.

Now in her pyjamas, Sora Nanase made her way to the bathroom sink and reached for her purple toothbrush and her toothpaste. That was how her nightly routine went. After dinner: free time, change of clothes, brushing teeth, bedtime story, and a kiss goodnight.

"Hey, Sora." Came her mother's voice.

Turning around, anyone could see that her mother was standing on the edge of the entrance.

"Hi mama. I'm just brushing my teeth." She announced, showing her pearly whites covered with toothpaste.

"Okay. Do you want a bedtime story tonight?"

"Yeah." She replied.

"I'll be waiting in my room. Give me a heads up when you're ready."

"Yes, mama."

Turning back to face the sink, the girl made swift movements as she continued to brush her teeth. As a lover of all things sweet, it was important that she kept her teeth all nice and clean. The last things she wanted were black cavities and missing teeth.

After finishing her nightly routine, Sora headed towards her mother's bedroom. She gently pushed the door open, revealing her mother laying on his queen sized bed.

"Come lie with me, baby." He patted the always empty space on his bed.

Sora took her invitation and jumped on top of her mother's bed. Throwing back the covers, she snuggled besides him, enjoying his warmth. He hugged her in he process. It never failed to make the little girl happy. Being close to her mother was the best feeling ever, seeing as he was the most important person in her life.

She stared at him and smiled. He smiled back and wrapped an arm around her smaller body. Sora remembered that she forgot to turn off her bedroom light. What a bother.

"Mama. I left the light on in my room. I'm gonna go turn it off. Don't go anywhere."

"I won't." he chuckled. "Be careful you don't trip over things in the dark."

Again, the red haired girl threw the covers off and raced back to her own bedroom, reached for the light switch and turned it off. Going back to her mother's bedroom, she re-climbed the bed and snuggled once more into her parent's chest.

"Now, are you sleeping with me tonight or-"

"Yes," she interrupted, "I'm gonna sleep with you, mummy."

For a few good minutes, the room was noiseless. However, Sora didn't easily forget about their previous conversation at the dining room table. It was playing on her mind. She so desperately wanted to get it off her chest, even if it meant bringing it up again to her mother.

"Mama. Are you still upset with me?" She asked with caution.

"No, sweetie. Of course I'm not. I was never upset with you in the first place." He smiled back.

Another scenario begun playing up in her head.

"In the park, uncle Makoto was talking to a man."

"Is that so?" Her mother asked calmly.

"Yeah." She confirmed.

"Well do you know who that man was?"


"Oh, who was he then?"

"It was my dad."

Sora noted that his eyes widened a little in disbelief.

"Your eyes must've been playing tricks on you, Sora. Im sure it wasn't daddy. Daddy is in Australia." Haru softly told her.

"No," She argued, "It was definitely daddy. He had the same red hair and everything. He was wearing sunglasses. He even laughed with uncle Makoto."

"Did he say anything to you?"

"No. He only talked to uncle Makoto. He didn't see me, only I saw him"

I really love Haru, and Rin, and Sora. I'm glad that I made this story. Updates may be a little slow because I'm working on other stories.

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