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"You're up next, into the ring, Styles!"

Harry nods as he grabs his gloves. There's a loud cheering behind him in the gym and he sighs.


They're only two, but they're so loud, and Harry notices that 'Payno' guy is a new member. The brunette is literally hopping on his back dragging him down in a sitting position -Payno lost his balance because the other one pushed him from his front as well- and the dark-haired guy sat on his lap.

"What are you two doing here? Catching flies?"

The brunette scoffs, "Can't we hang around our bestie?" Payno rolls his eyes at the wording and the dark-haired guy tries to hold his laughter. "Besides, we're pretty tough, and the gym is our second home" The dark-haired guy nods and his eyes roam around the place.

Harry wouldn't have looked if they weren't loud in the first place, and it's not like they're not attracting other people's attention. But they are, and it took one glance to be hooked. While Payno has obviously the muscles, the two seems not the type at all, having a lean body, and showing no interest in working out.

The dark-haired guy surely has his attention with his big light-brown eyes, and even from a distance, Harry could see his long lashes. Probably make up, because the way his eye is shaped shows a thin line of black around his eyes.

"Well, whatever, do what you please, but leave me be" Payno says, clearly annoyed by their presence, and Harry doesn't blame him.

The dark-haired guy turns in his lap and gasps, in a way Harry could tell it's so fake, but he can't see his eyes widening from this angle, but he can only guess his already big eyes getting bigger, similar to a deer. He stands up grabbing the brunette arms and pulls him towards himself, "Come on, Tommo. We're too good for him anyway" They enter the boxing area and immediately rush to one punching bag, grabbing two pairs of gloves. They look like the irritating type. The 'having fun pissing others' type, but they have the looks that make people watch while they do whatever, and definitely the voice to alarm people of their presence.

Harry shakes his head when his name is called again and turns to get inside the ring. His trainer is standing outside, while his opponent, a fellow boxer, gets in as well. He wins the first round, then the second and the third, watching as his trainer sends him an approving nod and calling for another opponent. Someone shouts, saying that he's Harry's next opponent and Harry turns to find 'Payno' is the one.

The other two is soon by his side with amusing grins on their faces that Harry wonders if they're mocking him or Payno.

"Boxing? You're going to be disqualified by your first move" The brunette, or Tommo as he was called earlier, calls after him as he and the other guy lean on the ring.

Payno rolls his eyes, "I know the rules" he counters as he steps in through the ropes and gets in a starting position.

Harry focuses on his opponent instead of the two standing by the ring. Payno doesn't break any rules, and he's clearly done this before, judging by how he throws his punches and evades Harry's own. But something seems off, he curses sometimes when his eyes dark, like he wants to do an illegal move, but doesn't. And Harry wins the first round.

Payno groans as he hears two familiar voices of laughter near the ring but focuses on Harry again. Harry wins the second and the third round too. Normally, it's just training for Harry, and he doesn't do the full twelve rounds, just follows the amateur rules, but Payno seems pissed and he calls for another round. Harry shrugs and goes for it. He wins again.

Payno curses under his breath again as he leaves the ring, and Harry does as well. They haven't at least shaken hands, and he doesn't want to seem rude. Besides, the Payno guy seems to have something holding him back from using his full strength.

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