Kenya didn't know where to look first: the bottles of unidentifiable liquids that were laid to rest along one of the shelves, the dark wooden panels that ran along the floor, or the three people sitting cross legged before her, each with their eyes closed and cloaked in similar robes to the servant.
"Come. Sit." One of them said, her voice silky and smooth.
Kenya rolled Ari further into the room, perplexed by the intoxicating softness of the woman's voice.
Once close enough, Kenya stopped rolling Ari's wheel chair and picked her up, her small frame so light, too light. She gently placed her on one of the pillows, then sat down beside her. Ari mumbled something, then rested her head against Kenya's shoulder.
In unison, the three healers' eyes flew open, each one eyeing Kenya, and then Ari.
"Leukaemia," Said the one on the left.
The one on the right replied, "such a shame."
"You can fix her, can't you?" Kenya asked, her voice dripping with desperation.
Finally, the middle one spoke, "she cannot be fixed, girl. Only healed."
Kenya resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Was there really a difference?
"Of course there is," said the one on the right, sounding exasperated.
"Wait, how did you-"
"It's like she's screaming her thoughts to us!" Replied the one on the left.
"Silence," the middle one hissed. "We can heal your sister."
Relief and hope washed over Kenya.
"Did you hear that Ari?" She asked, shaking her sisters shoulder. "You're going to be healed. You're going to be fine." Ari's eyes fluttered open, darting around the room and failing to focus on a single thing.
"Let us begin," all three said in unison. Kenya sat up a little taller, anticipation growing. What would it look like when they healed her? All was quiet. Nothing would disturb the Healers as they attended to their work.
Nothing. Silence.
Kenya had to admit, she was expecting something of more extravagance, and this was a bit anticlimactic.
Then the screaming started.
Ari was screaming.
"No! Kenya, don't let them do it!" She was thrashing her head back and forth, as her body writhed on the floor.
"Shhhh Ari, it's okay. They're healing you-"
"No! Make it stop, Kenya. Please make it stop. Please-"
Ari's eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she collapsed against Kenya.
"Ari!" Kenya cradled her little sister against her, feeling around for her pulse. She couldn't find one. "No! Ari, please wake up!" Kenya knew how to do CPR. When Ari's cancer started getting worse, she took a medicine class so she would be able to know what to do in a situation like this.
Kenya laid Ari down flat on her back, then began doing compressions on her chest.
She clasped Ari's nose shut, trying desperately to get air into her lungs.
Ari's body was lifeless in her arms, pale and broken. Kenya didn't know white hot rage until now. She turned on the healers.
"What did you do?" She screamed. "What the hell did you-"
Ari sat up, gasping and coughing. Breathing.
Kenya held her close listening to the sound of her heartbeat return to its normal pulse.
"You're welcome," she heard the healers say. "The girl is no longer sick."
Kenya held Ari's body against her own, trying to shield her as best as she could.
"You killed her!" Kenya hissed.
"We fixed her you ungrateful swine. Now be gone, we have many more costumers to tend to."
Kenya nodded, eager to get away from the Healers and to inspect Ari further to make sure she was okay. Though mere moments ago she had felt her sister die in her arms, now Ari was breathing, and walking by her side. Walking, by the gods. Kenya hadn't seen her sister walk on her own for months.
All was well.
Kenya was so overjoyed that she failed to notice one of the Healers come up behind her, until a loud crack sounded, and everything went dark.
Ok wow. It's been so long since I've updated this. Too long.
I was rereading my first chapter, and was honestly surprised because I thought it wasn't too bad. So, as a result, I've decided to keep writing, and try to post more chapters.
I'm really bad at updating my stories, so please be patient and don't hate me!!
Love you lots,

The Vampire's Pet
VampireKenya Walsh's sister has five weeks to live, before cancer will inevitably kill her. In a desperate attempt to save Ari's life, Kenya makes a deal with the Healers to take away Ari's leukaemia, but at an unspeakable cost: selling herself to the hig...