A blur of light filled my vision as my eyes fluttered open. My head felt as if a robot was walking, stomping more like, in the background. I gave a soft groan, resting my hand on my head and gripping her hair.
Then, I realized, I was on something soft. With a nice, fluffy blanket. I shot up, my eyes widening and my head ache soon became worse, but I ignored it. I have never spent the night at a clients house, it's against my rules, plus this wasn't where I was last night so what the hell?
Then, I heard the door start to open. "Hey Ace." A spunky voice said as he popped his head around the door. His dirty blond hair was what I saw first, then his mischievous green eyes. "You're awake! Sweet. Anyway, what's up?" he questioned.
"What?" I said and rubbed my temples "Jordan..." I trailed a bit. "Where am I? And what happened?" I asked him, looking up. I somewhat remembered, after seeing him that is. I had a panic attack probably, but I wanted to know what happened after that.
"Oh, well, you had like an attack thing, a panic I think and passed out. Bennet said just bring ya here, so we did." he said.
"Where exactly is here?" I questioned, looking at my clothing, which was what I had on yesterday.
"His house." he stated simply. I could hear footsteps coming down the hallway, and voices and sighed, standing up. That, defiantly, did not help my head ache. "Listen, I should leave." I said, leaning down and grabbing my shoes I assume one of them took off.
"You should eat." a voice said, causing me to look up, seeing a guy in a black hoodie with black hair and ice blue eyes, and it was none other than Bennet.
I barely eat, seriously. I eat lunch, and unless the guy who buys me for a certain amount of time takes me to dinner, I don't eat anything but the school lunch. And the men usually just want sex, but my work doesn't just stop there.
I looked down at my feet, tapping my foot I give a sigh. I don't need to be a burden. If I eat, I'll owe them something and I already do for them helping me. I look around the room, then at him. "I don't think-" he cut me off before I could even finish.
"We want to talk to you anyway, plus you seem pretty thin." Bennet said. "Come on. I cooked." he said and turned around, the slouched male headed downstairs. I looked at Jordan. He shrugged.
"On the bright side, he makes really good food." he stated with a smile. "Now come on." he said as he grabbed my hand, dragging my to the door. The only problem was, I had been putting my shoes on when Bennet walked in, so I was in one high heel.
"Jordan. Jordan. Damn it, let go." I said, as I almost fell while he drags me. I roll my eyes and pull my hand back, holding onto his wrist as I do so, causing him to stumble a bit, and I look him in the eyes. "I do not like being drug around, I can take care of myself. Plus, one of my shoes are on my foot, and I almost fell." I sad and took it off.
"Sorry." He said, he seemed a bit surprised and I smirked. "What? Surprised I can handle myself?" I questioned and he shook his head, his face turning back to his mischievous look. "Nope. Now come on Ace." he stated and I nodded following after them. I honestly, was not excited for the talk Bennet had spoken about.
I followed Jordan to the table where everyone was sat and I gave an uncomfortable look, crossing my arms across my chest, pulling a seat out with my foot and sitting down once everyone else was sitting. I looked at Declan, his muscles seemed tense, and his arms were crossed like mine, both of us glaring. I assume, right now, we look a bit alike.
Across the table was bacon, pancakes, peanut butter, syrup, and eggs. Jordan started to dig in, soon after Declan. Then Bennet. I waited until they were done and got some for myself.
"So, what did y'all wanna talk about?" I questioned. They all looked at each other and I tapped my foot. They each had a juice in front of them. I had some strawberry milk in front of me, considering they had the syrup I decided to have that.
"Well, Ace." Bennett says "Honestly, we've heard a bit about you." one says. I smirk and nod my head. "Yeah, I'm pretty well known in some areas. So are you guys, after all, you're the three musketeers." I state, resting my chin on my hand and tilting my head, looking at the three.
"Well, Ace. First we know, you're name is really Alicianna." Jordan states. I nod "And your real name is Jordan. Anything else? Because I mean, you just have to look in the school records and find that, really easy." I said.
"You have a brother." Bennet says. "In the hospital with cancer. Your parents are gone, out of the picture, and you are homeless who is well, a prostitute." he states. I glare at him.
"You do know a lot. Which, honestly, I hate more than anything, considering I know little of you three other than you guys hate the group called Lost Boys." I said and giggled a bit. "Listen, unless you wanna pay me for more time, I should be leaving." I stated and started to stand, but then, I saw a card on the seat. An Ace of spades. I look at the group and pick it up, a wad of money was attached to it and I counted it.
"5 thousand." I mutter and read the card. All it said was stay, as if they knew I would leave. I guess that's not to surprising, I guess. I sigh a bit, and sit back down.
"You have 4 hours." I state. "And twenty minutes." I say. "What do you want me to do? The card doesn't give much info." I said. They gave me my favorite card, and in return, I gave them 20 extra minutes which is pretty nice of me.
"Just spend time with us. Don't worry, we won't ask for anything." Declan said. "Plus, I don't think I'd want anything from you. All you could give me is an STD." He said and I glared at him. "Listen Buck-o. I have no problem returning this money and leaving, I can easily find jobs, speaking of which, their are some that want me to find out about you three so play nice." I said. He raised an eyebrow.
"Who?" he says.
"Even though I'm yours, for four hours and 18 minutes, I can not tell you that information. Think of me like a therapist, everything is confidential." I say to him. He sighs and stands.
"I told you guys this was a bad idea." He said.
"I don't think so." Jordan says. "Because, we still have one deal to make. I mean, if she signs it, she can't take up those contracts to hurt us right?" He says, setting a contract infront of me, named, "The Breakfast Club".
Hey y'all. Honestly, I kinda feel like this was just a filler chapter. Anyway, it's about to get pretty good. I'll bring Naomi in pretty soon don't worry. This is like, right before the Starbucks contract so I mean, yeah. Anyway, just wait. Sorry for how long it took me to update.

The End TGGBB Fan Fic
FanfictionA girl Three guys Some gangs Some pain And now, Her. Soon without Another Inspired by: https://www.wattpad.com/user/RubixCube89201