"I can't tell what's real anymore...Emily I need help" Alison was scared, she had never been this scared before and Emily could tell how terrified she was, she had never seen Alison like this, Alison was always so brave in the past.
"Ali I am real, I am here to help you" Emily sat down next to Alison, wrapping her arms around Alison and holding on as tight as she could. "What do you need, I can do it?"
"I don't know Em" Alison had tears in her eyes "I'm scared, I'm so scared" Emily pressed her lips to Alison's cheek, she wanted Alison to know she was there.
"How about we go back to your house and you and me can lie in bed all night and talk and just hangout, how about that?" Emily asked with a smile on her face.
"I don't want to go there Em, I am safe here...I'm not there" Alison looked at Emily with fear in her eyes, and Emily squeezed Alison tight.
"Ok then we can stay here all night...whatever you want Ali" Emily smiled, seeing Alison so scared made her want to cry, she hated seeing Alison upset. She wanted nothing more than to see her smile
"Thank you" Alison smiled slightly "I love you"
"I love you too" Emily was so happy to hear Alison say that, and to see her smile..even if it was slight.
"No Emily..I love you" Alison's eyes got wide
"I love you too" Emily laughed, pressing her lips into Alison's. Emily could taste cherry's on Alison's lips, and smell the ocean in her hair, and she felt all the love in the world when they kissed. Alison's hands found their way to Emily's hair, where they entangled themselves in her amazing long brown mess of hair. She no longer felt scared, she felt happy.