Chapter 9: First Dates!

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Before I continue, I just wanted to say that I love y'all and thanks for being patient. Question: do you want "sexual" things to happen in this story? Comment below! Anyway, I'm gonna put outfits every time they go on a date and yeah. Anyway, on with the story!

Emma's POV
Today was me and Xander's first date. I was so excited. I wore a black and white striped shirt, a black skirt and light blue heels. I grabbed my glasses and placed them on my head. I walked out and knocked on Xander's cabin.

Xander's POV
What to wear? I thought as I heard on knock on the door. Crap. Emma was here.

"One minute baby." I yelled back as i was looking for something to wear. I then found the perfect thing. I found a white and blue t-shirt, faded jeans and tims. I also found a plaid button up to put over the t-shirt. I then grabbed my sunglasses and opened the door.

Emmas POVWhen Xander opened the door, I just looked at him

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Emmas POV
When Xander opened the door, I just looked at him.

Xander: does it look okay?

Me: it looks more than okay!

I placed a kiss on his cheek, then he groaned.

Me: what's wrong?

Xander: you missed.

He points at his lips and I roll my eyes.

Me: ugh fine.

I pull his shirt and kiss him roughly on the lips. The kiss lasts for about 5 seconds, then we both pull away and laugh.

Xander: lets go!

Xander grabs my hand, and we leave to go on our first date ever.

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