Nadia Davis is a very popular wedding planner in California. While she's giving everyone else their fairytale wedding, she's saving her self for her Prince Charming. Choosing to stay celibate since she was sixteen, she has kept her commitment and is...
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When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew. ~William Shakespeare
"So, I've got everything sorted out. I've called to make sure everything is ready for Saturday, all you have to do is relax and spend the week getting ready to walk down the aisle." I told my client on the phone as I walk away from my car, just arriving at the park.
"Thank you so much, Nadia. I wouldn't be able to handle all of this without you."
I smiled. "Well, that's what I'm here for. Now go rest, I'll see you bright and early on Saturday."
Once we said our goodbyes, I hung up the phone and started speed walking in my heels, as I returned my device to my purse.
I was late for Nicky and I's lunch date at Balboa Park. We always have lunch here, on our favorite bench in front of the coin fountain. Usually I'm on time, but sometimes working with my clients goes longer than intended.
I arrive at our bench where Nicky is eating a bag of potato chips. "Hey, I am so sorry that I'm late." I apologize, sitting next to her.
She shrugged. "It's cool. She dug in her purse and pulled out a subway sandwich with an ice tea for me.
"Thank you." I smiled, retrieving my food. "I will buy us lunch tomorrow and I will be on time."
She rolled her chip bag up, as she stood. "Great, my request is Chic-Fil-a, you know what I like."
"Hey, where are you going?" I pouted as she picked up her purse. "Break is over, I've gotta go teach. I'll see you at home."
She gave me a kiss on the forehead as I continued to pout. "Bye."
She began to walk away as I called after her. "Nicole!" She turned back to me. "I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to-"
"Hey, it's okay." She interrupted me. "I could say from now on, we stay out of each others love lives but we know that's not going to happen, giving the fact I have a big mouth and I love to vent."
I smirked. "Maybe I should just listen and nod."
"That's no fun." She pouted. I chuckled and she smiled. "Love you, little sis."
"Love you too." I replied before she began to walk away.
Once she was no longer in view, I put my lunch in my purse, and stood with a sigh. I walked over to the fountain, staring at the beautiful sight in awe.
My parents use to take Nicky and I here all the time. I've made more wishes than I can count in this fountain.
A smile crept upon my face at the thought of old memories.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Asked a manly voice beside me. It wasn't a deep voice but it had a certain base to it, that let me know it was a guy. I kept my eyes on the flowing water, my hands wrapped around the handles of my purse, that's hanging low in front of me. "Yeah it is. I've been coming here for her years, the sight never gets old. It's not just the sight that makes it beautiful, it's the significance of it, the wishes. People come here because they have hope and they put all of it into a coin. It's like their holding on by a string of faith."
"Hope and faith, that's a way to put it." The voice replied.
"Is there another way to put it?" I ask.
"Guidance. When people need answers, they come here to ask for a sign. Its oddly beautiful to put so much confidence in a coin and a fountain."
I nodded, agreeing with his point. "I agree with that but what makes that so odd though? Every one puts their faith in something. Whether a higher power, a statue, or a coin and a fountain. There's nothing odd about it, just normal upcoming questions: Does putting your blind faith, or looking for answers in these higher powers or beings work? Do we get what we're looking for?"
"That doesn't matter." He answered. "I once read quote that said: No matter how many coins you toss into the fountain or how many fingers you cross, if it's not meant to be, it won't happen."
I froze at his words for a moment, taking in his very deep quote. I finally turned my head, looking at the face of the intelligent mind I was conversating with. Well the side of his face, he was too busy gazing at the fountain.
Not even a second of me looking at him passed before he turned to look at me. His light brown eyes gave me a feeling that I had never experienced in my life. Butterflies couldn't even describe the feeling I felt. It's a funny way to describe but his eyes were like sunlight shining through a bottle of whiskey.
He had just the right amount of hair on his face. It aligned his jawline, chin and above his upper lip, connecting into a Hollywoodian beard.
His hair was a light brown, cut down and combed nicely on the sides, while it was longer on the top, messy in a good way. He was tall, nothing muscular, or brute about him, but he was still adorable in a chic, geeky kind of way.
"Do you not agree with the quote?" He asked me.
I realized I was staring and cleared my throat, looking away. "No yeah, I do." I looked back up at him. "That actually reminds me of another quote, I've read. It says: Everything happens for a reason, luck and fate are the same. It just depends on how you look at life."
A small smile crept upon his face as he nodded, slightly. We stared into each other's eyes and I found myself blushing. He held his hand out. "Justin."
"Nadia." I shook his hand.
"Excuse me?"
"That's what your name means." He answered. "I use to study the meaning of names for fun when I was younger." He closed his eyes, groaning. "That sounded so nerdy."
I laughed. "No it's okay. That's pretty cool, I didn't know that about my name."
He shrugged, stuffing his hands into his jean pocket. "Well you learn something new everyday."
"Yeah, you do." I nod with a smile. "So uh, what are you here for? Guidance? Hope?"
"Both." He sighed, looking back at the fountain. "Guidance on the decision I'm making, and hope that it's the right decision. What about you?"
"Neither. I've already made my wishes over the years."
"Did they come true?"
"Well when I was eight, I asked for a dog. Three weeks later, I got a German Shepherd named him Ash, he lives with my Dad. When I was thirteen, I wished that my parents would take me to Disneyland because I had never been. I ended up going for my birthday. At sixteen, I began to wish fot the love of my life. Wished for his personality, our future, where we would first meet." I chuckled. "Now that sounds geeky."
"That's not geeky." He cheesed so his adorable white smile shined. "It's actually kind of cute. Really cute, actually. Did you find him? Your guy?"
I shake my head. "No, not yet. Still waiting."
"You seem to be doing well for a girl who's been waiting since she was sixteen."
I rolled my eyes, playfully. "You make me sound so old, I'm only twenty six." He laughed at that as I continued. "Besides, the waiting is going to be worth it. Patience is always worth it in the end."
"Wish everyone else thought of it like that." He sighed as I dug my hand into my purse, pulling out my phone to check the time. I needed to get going, or I was going to be late, meeting my new client.
"Well, I have to go." I look back up at Justin, a little sad that I have to go. Our conversation, sparked an intrigue no one has ever lit before. "It was nice meeting you though. I hope you find what you were looking for."
He smiled. "Thanks, nice meeting you too, Nadia."
I gave a smile back as we continued to look into each others eyes while I backed away. I reluctantly turned away, smiling like an idiot.