The Party!!!

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Elliot's POV
The Party jus started and the are convincing Melody to sing I hope she does I want to hear her sing. Okay so Harmony convinced Melody to sing, yes I am so excited here we go. She is singing and looking at me then all the memories of her came flooding back into my head us as kids playing wow I have always loved her. She sings so beautifully maybe one day we'll sing together.

Melody's POV
While I'm singing all my memories of Elliot came back and I realized i love Elliot what do I do. As I was singing I was singing to Elliot and he was watching me he is so cute I can't believe I never realized I loved him before now.

Harmony's POV
I watched as Melody sang and noticed her and Elliot staring at each other. I need to get them together the belong together. I wonder if Melody is in love with Elliot I will find out soon.

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