David and I have had 39 assignments. Amy says that we have had more assignments than anyone has before. Normally by now someone has messed up and not taken someone where they needed to go.
"I guess you're different." Amy said to us as we walked the halls of the hospital. "But this is a good thing. You're setting an example. Soon we won't have anyone to do this, so we will need as many of you as possible to do it."
"Why won't there be anyone to do it?" David asked.
"More and more people are starting to go either good or bad. So nobody is ever really smack in the middle like Ash was."
"Well this isn't hard. As long as you don't let emotions cloud your judgement as to who goes and who doesn't, you'll do fine." I said.
"Some people just don't see it that way." Amy said, "oh wait I gotta go. I'll be right back." Then she was gone.
"Where do you think she was going?" David asked. I shrugged and continued to wonder the halls. We don't really do anything when we are between assignments. Sometimes we walk around hospitals, and other times we just sit somewhere and watch life pass by. It gets boring. Watching I mean. But being with David just makes it...idk, better. It's hard to explain.
"Where do you think Amy went?" David said interrupting my thoughts.
"Not sure. She probably went to find our next assignment," I replied "or, since there aren't many of us, they are probably giving her an assignment."
"I think they'd have to be really desperate to do that." David said with a chuckle.
"Yeah" I laughed in response. I turned my head to look at David. He is so handsome with his brown hair and brown eyes. Sometimes I think that if I look at him long enough I can count all the freckles on his face. I quickly looked away out of fear that he'd catch me staring.
"Hey Anna?" David asked.
"Yeah?" I said quickly, happy that he was filling the silence.
"You know I love you, right?" He said looking into my eyes as if he were trying to read my mind.
"Yes I do, and I love you too." I said with a slight blush. I quickly looked away hoping he wouldn't notice the redness on my face. All of a sudden Amy was back in front of us.
"Hey Amy, that didn't take very long. What did they want?" David said, trying to strike a conversation.
"Oh nothing, they just wanted to see how their two favorite Reapers are doing." Amy replied, never looking David in the eyes. David and I glanced at each other, both knowing something was wrong.
"Amy what's wrong? Did something happen?" I said, very concerned about my friend.
"No, nothing happened. I'm fine." Amy replied. I could tell she was hiding something but I figured if she wasn't telling us then it isn't something she can't handle. After that, the day was long and silent. We weren't given any assignments that day. I guess it's just a day that nobody wanted to die. David, however, wasn't on the same page as me.
"Why do you think they haven't given us any assignments?" David asked.
"I don't know. Maybe people just decided not to die today. But hey, at least we get a day off." I replied.
"Maybe?" David said, unsure about his answer.

After life
FantasyAsh's last day on earth was unexpected. She doesn't even remember it. In the process she found out she is not allowed into hevan. Will she regain her memory? Will she gain access to hevan? Read to find out...