I leap out of the house, rushing to get away from the creep in my house. Frantically getting a hold of all the necessities, I took one last look and ran away. To where? I don't know. After about five hours of running and waking, I finally decided it was safe. I lay down on the muddy ground and tried to fall asleep, but I just couldn't. I figured it was because I was uncomfortable so I walked a little farther. I found a grass patch underneath a tree to keep me from getting wet. I lay down and fell into a deep, deep sleep.
I awakened to find myself lying on something hard. I turned around a found a rock... with blood, my blood. My arm was bleeding but it didn't hurt one bit. I laid still wondering what could have caused the wound. Maybe a I was rolling around in my sleep and I accidentally hit this rock... Or maybe the person who robbed my house chased me down and found me and beat me with a rock. I think all of this blood lose is making me loose my mind. I have a splintering headache. I don't know how much longer I can manage without any food. What will happen to me if I die? Will anyone ever notice I am gone? Will anyone find me here? I pushed these thoughts aside and decided to get up find a café to eat at, but only if I can find one.