Chapter 12: It's Going Down Sam's pov

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Suddenly, there was a loud noise. Boom! Breaking Sky and me from our moment. I yanked Sky to the ground with me as debris flew over our heads. We had dropped to the ground clinging to one another.

I was on top guarding her from the debris flying everywhere. She grinned the most sexiest smile ever. Fuck these terrorist for ruining our moment! I kissed her tenderly then we got up together. We were having a romantic, heartwarming love and of all the places here. I cursed all of the people, terrorist who had anything to do with terrorism ideas and attacking us, damn.

They blew up the stage luckily nobody was on stage at the time and only a few fans were injured. "Shouldn't we get out of here?" Sky asked. "No." I wanted to stay like this forever but she was right. "Yes, we really should, lets go," I said.

I grabbed her hand heading out the exit when I was tackled from the side and lost my grip on Sky's hand. "Sam!" She shouted. Smoke was everywhere and I could see Sky but she couldn't see me. I wrestled with one of the terrorist. He threw a punch to my right jaw. The impact blurred my vision a bit. I was already dizzy from so much movement and being punched wasn't exactly helping. She reached out trying to find where I was but figured it was no use.

I rolled over and sent a swift punch to his eye. Then another to his mouth busting his lip open. He punched me in the side of my head, my vision was completely messed up and I could hardly view my surroundings, especially with all the dizziness in effect. He then stood up and pulled a gun out, pointing it toward my head. "Your hard to put out, general." He spit blood from his mouth and wiped his lip. "Stand up," He commanded. I did as he told. I stood cautiously.

"Your pathetic, anyone can kill someone with a gun it's too easy," I laughed. I saw Sky sneak up behind him and she hit him with a board that had flew off the stage. He swerved around, ready to hit her. There was no way I was going to let him lay a finger on her. I took the advantage and grabbed his hand with the gun, as he shot all which way, bullets fell one after the other. Then I broke his wrist, he screeched in pain as the gun fell to the hard concrete floors.

I punched him in his nose and with a swift move grabbed the gun and hit him over the head with it. Knocking him unconscious. Then I had my men take him away. As I turned to look at Skylar, she was holding her side. She moved her hand for a second and I saw blood on her hand. She looked at me with her gorgeous green eyes then she started to fall. As a tear fell from her eyes. I ran and caught her just before she hit the ground. No, no,no, I panicked, damn it that guy he shot everywhere and shot her, this was my fault. I am so going to kill him for this.

She looked into my sea-blue eyes with her bright green eyes. "" She stuttered. Tears fell from my eyes on her beautiful cheek. "No, Sky, no you'll be okay."I reassured. I had to give her hope. I couldn't bare seeing her cry more. Blood came out of her mouth and that worried me more, she had internal bleeding. "Sam, I have been in the dark so long and I have to say your the light I needed." Her Eyes fluttered shut, as one tear fell from the side of her eye. "Sky, no, hold on please!" I held her panicked, and I feared for Sky's life. I'd only known this girl a short time but it didn't seem right for her to die because of the danger I'm in.

I grabbed my gear and yelled, " Dammit can we get medical down here now!!" Then I held Sky in my lap and in my arms protectively. She said I was the light in her darkness, what darkness? I can't lose her, not when we only began. She was someone new and unique and I finally held something special in my grasp.

My men came in with medical equipment and examined her wound. I held her tightly not wanting to let her go. She looked so fragile and pale in my arms, it frightened me so much. She looked so weak and helpless in my arms, she was weightless. I was terrified, the one good I never thought I'd have and now she was close to death.

"Sir... we have to get her to a hospital now." I sat over Sky. "Your gonna be okay Sky, don't die on me." My men got the stretcher and I helped them lift her gently onto it and into the ambulance. I climbed in with her and then laced my forehead against hers and whispered," Sky, please hang on." A tear from my eyes dripped onto her cheek and slowly off her beautiful face. Never have I cried, in a long while, I have been so heartless lately but here I was crying over a woman.

I thought myself so pathetic, crying over one woman, when there were a million out there or more. But no, they were not Sky and nobody could compare to this fiery girl who drove me mad, she was so dear too me and I was falling for this frustrating girl. I kissed her forehead, "Were gonna get through this together, Sky." We reached the hospital and they put her into a room and they shut the curtains. All I heard was them saying clear. Please, Sky live for me, I thought. We have only just begun and I wasn't ready to let go of my light when it was this close.

Sorry guys if my chapters are short. I am in the middle of editing and rewriting. I'm trying to make my chapters longer. Don't be a silent reader. Leave a comment please and share. Love you all!!😙

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