Dear AndreaI love you. It's cold here tonight. I have a blanket and the heating's on, but it doesn't keep me warm. You'd probably tell me to put some clothes on, I know. That was your answer every time, even though I'm pretty sure you knew I was just hinting at a cuddle. Well I'm not hinting this time, I'm begging. I wish you were here with me babe. Do you know how many times I pleaded with them to let me take you? They obviously refused and I even threatened to quit. The thing with working for the government is that you can't exactly just quit whenever you want to. Yeah the job doesn't sound so great now does it? Well that's one of the downsides, but there are loads of ups, don't you worry. I'm getting really tired now, I should try sleeping again. Big day tomorrow, I'm staging my own dead. Fingers crossed it all works out and I can come back home soon. Gees this bed is cold. Good night sweetheart. Hope your feet are covered.
Love you xx
"Forty dozens of roses, twenty five trays of Ferrero Rocher and a hundred bottles of champagne"
"Will the champagne be enough?" My bride diva, who's name is actually Eva was enquiring.
"Yes Eva, we don't want people getting so drunk they throw up. What with all the wine and everything"
"Okay then, I'm happy with that"
The wedding celebration was going to be over a period of seven days. Yes you heard me, an entire week. There were all kinds of parties throughout the week and the official ceremony would take place one the Saturday. All of the above mentioned stuff were for Saturday alone.
"So I expect you and your partner to be dressed to the t's" she ordered.
"My partner?" I frowned.
"Yes, your plus one" she said it as.if it were the most obvious thing.
"Oh, I didn't know I get one"
"Sure you do and so does the other girl, what's her name Kerry?"
"Okay, good to know. And yes we will be dressed to impress"
"Good, just don't wear white; you know how I am about stiff like that"
"Very superstitious..." I mumbled under my breath, but she'd heard me.
"Yes I am" she giggled.
"So Eva, is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Oh no, nothing else thank you. And by the way darling, have you ever had a wedding you know, one of your own?"
"Have I been married? Yes I am" I laughed.
"And what was it like?"
"Simple, nothing like yours is gonna be"
"Wonderful" she giggled and clapped.(MI6 HQ: London)
"Sir I got the phone records you requested"
"Okay Mike, good work" not even bothering to read the information on the papers he handed me.
"Sir we were right, your theory was spot on" he beamed looking at me and expecting the same excitement.
"Sir did you hear me?"
"Yes Michael, I hear you, that's great"
"Well your face doesn't say that. Is something wrong?"
"When did you become a shrink?" I shot back.
"I didn't mean-"
"No Michael, this isn't pertaining to the case" I sighed.
"I know Sir, but...if you wanna talk about it..." he trailed off. He knew he was testing the boundaries, but I was in no mood to tell him off. I knew I shouldn't be telling him this, but who else could I talk to? And I didn't plan on giving any details or anything.
"I just miss my daughter, that's all" I sighed.
"I never knew you had a daughter" he looked at me all interested like he'd just cracked the enigma.
"Yeah she's the sweetest little thing" I smiled at the thought of her.
"How is she?"
"Just three"
"So why can't you see her...if I may ask?" He asked anyway, unware of how hard this was for me.
"I don't wanna complicate her life; I have the bad habit of doing that"Andy...
"Aww no I knew that was gonna happen!" I laughed.
Tyler and I were cuddling on the couch watching the Cube. And Luke Hemmings had just lost a life because he listened to Callum's advice. Darcy was asleep so we had some much needed alone time. It had been two weeks since Harry had appeared and I tried to pushed it far out of my mind. I was with Tyler and we were happy and that was all I wanted to concentrate on for the moment. Besides, my plate was full with the series of wedding parties starting the next day.
"They should just stick to singing" he teased.
"Ty shut up, Luke is cute" I squealed.
"Hey, he's married" he chuckled.
"What, so am I"
"Your husband is dead; his wife, not so much" he laughed harder.
"Yeah" I mumbled under my breath. I hadn't told him about Harry of course. He leaned in and kissed me softly as I smiled up at him.
"Oh Ty, I almost forgot"
"Would you be my date to the wedding on Saturday?" I asked even though I took it for granted that he would.
"Why not huh?" He smirked kissing me harder. We were starting to get really comfortable with each other and I was getting a good idea of what life would be like if he were actually part of the family. Sure he wasn't Darcy's father, unfortunately that spot was taken, but maybe he could be her dad. I could tell he'd make a great one and he absolutely loved my daughter.
"Good, you havta get like a suit or something"
"A suit, where would I get that from?" He asked dramatically.
"Just hire one from the store or something" I laughed.
"Don't worry I have a couple. What colour are ya wearing?"
"Why would you wanna know that?"
"So I can match my tie to your dress" he winked.
"Okay well it's a silver grey kinda thing; c'mon I'll show you" I attempted to get up from the couch but he held me down.
"No I'm comfortable, I can see it later" he moaned.
"Fine" I sighed and we continued watching tv until I heard Darcy at the top of the stairs a few minutes later.
"Mommy?" She was standing there in her pj's with her teddy hanging limp in one hand and the other hand curled up into a ball that she rubbed her eyes with.
"What's wrong sweetheart?"
"I had a bad dream"
She dragged her teddy down the stairs and I picked her up and held her close. I sat down and cradled and started to rock hwr like a little baby. Something I've been doing since she was born. She shut her eyes tightly and rested her head on my chest as I hummed to her. She had almost fallen asleep when her eyes fluttered open.
"Yes baby?"
"Where's Edward?"
"Uhm I don't know Darc"
"Oh" she seemed disappointed and thought about it for a moment before speaking up again.
"When will he come?"
"I dunno sweetheart"
"Can we ask him to come?"
"Yes baby we can, but in the morning okay"
Man I really wish Tyler wasn't here at this moment.
She shut her eyes and was fast asleep within a few minutes. She was quite heavy so Tyler offered to put her to bed and I let him. I tried to prepared myself for the questions I knew would come once he got back.
"Who's Edward?"
"An old friend"
"Yeah he was in town after a long time so he popped in"
"Well Darcy seems to like him alot" he sounded sceptical.
"Yeah he's pretty good with kids and well he did but her ice cream" I shrugged trying not to stutter.
"Yeah three year olds" he chuckled and I was off the hook. Close one.

Dear Harry
RomanceDoes "I love you" mean "I will never forget", or "I will never move on" ? Because there comes a point when it becomes impossible to do either. When the struggle of letting go becomes the fight to hold on, and moving forward means going back to what...