Chapter 11: Confusion

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Author Note: Thank you guys for the wonderful votes and comments. I'm glad you guys liking it and I can't wait to make the Ryuzetsu Land Chapter.


Rogue sat on a chair all the way in the corner of the room with his arms cross against his chest and his eyes close. Yukino pull up a chair to sit beside Kagura who is still unconscious on the clinic bed. The room is in completely silence til...

"Laxus! You can't walk alone!" A female voice yelled at him.

Yukino and Rogue whirl around to see Laxus walking in the clinic, his one hand gripping at the door frame as he force himself to stand. Laxus froze as he notice Yukino and Rogue staring at him.

"Oh, it's you Sabertooth guys. " Laxus said a little surprised to see them both there, especially since none of their members are hurt or injured.

Mirajane appear next to Laxus once she heard Laxus said 'Sabertooth'. "Oh, hello. " Mirajane greeted with a smile on her face.

Yukino blink cup of times at Mirajane greeting. "Um hi... " Yukino greeted back with a confuse expression written on her face.

"Give me one moment." Mirajane then face her back towards Yukino. "Freed and Bickslow, can you help me get Laxus in the clinic bed? " Mirajane ask.

"Of course, anything for Laxus. " Freed answer, putting one arm on his shoulder and Bickslow the other shoulder.

Freed and Bickslow took Laxus in the clinic bed, laying him down gently and carefully on the bed next to Kagura. Then Freed, Bickslow and Laxus stare at Rogue and Yukino. Mirajane blink cup of times before glancing at Bickslow and Freed. "Where's Evergreen? " Mirajane ask.

Bickslow smirk. "Evergreen is spending her quantity time with her boyfriend Elfman! " Bickslow said it out loud for everyone to hear.

All the suddenly a light blue curtains that separates the other beds to make a small room for patients, open on Laxus side, roughly to show a very angry Evergreen who is gripping on the curtains. "Would you quit it?! " Evergreen shouted at Bickslow.

Freed pointed at Evergreen. "If you didn't want anyone to know about your relationship, it's best to keep quiet so we can at least expect that theory to be at least wrong. Instead we confirm our theory is indeed corrected. "

"A real man doesn't hide the truth, so don't just make false evidence if we are in a relationship or not! " Elfman counter.

"Eve! " A three man intruded the clinic with tears in their eyes, embracing Eve as they cry.

They briskly run pass everyone and Elfman bed to the bed next door to them. Rogue gritted his teeth, his eyebrows twitching in annoyance. "If you guys are going to yell, shout or argue do that outside the clinic. " Everyone whirl around and froze in there spots to see dangerous shadows surrounding Rogue along with a dark aura around him.

'Rogue... ' Yukino thought, shock seeing him like that.

Laxus study Rogue carefully. "Hey, that girl on the bed, I know she's from Mermaid Heel in all but why are you Sabertooth guys helping her? " Laxus question. "I mean you guys don't care about anyone else but yourself. "

Yukino flinch at Laxus words and Rogue calm himself down as he averted away from Laxus eyes. "I don't know myself... "

Mirajane blue eyes shift to Kagura unconscious form in bed, then she shift her eyes towards Yukino. "Is she alright? " Mirajane query.

Yukino averted her eyes away from Mirajane as she look down to play with her fingers nervously. "I don't know... Kagura seem perfectly fine a few minutes ago but all the suddenly she collapse on the ground right in front of Rogue and me. " Yukino explain the situation.

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Mirajane walk towards Kagura form, staring down at Kagura face. Freed follow along as well and Hibiki analyzing her by using his Achieve magic, like he's taking notes what Yukino said and what he see.

"Is it possible that she's stress out? " Hibiki ask.

"Perhaps she's need more sleep." Freed added

"Needs food in her system? " Bickslow thought.

"Or maybe seeing someone she doesn't want to see, like how Erza fainted when she sees Ichiya. " Evergreen added.

"That isn't true, men! " Ichiya protest.

"Or fainted for seeing her crush. " Ren theory. Everyone look at Ren weird at that theory. "What? That's how Sherry was with me. Every time she sees me, she will automatically fainted while blushing. " Ren inform them.

Everyone still give Ren the weird look. "It's Kagura we talking about here, not Sherry. Sherry isn't the topic here." Freed reminded.

Rogue sigh to himself at everyone silly theories. "No, no, no and I truly doubt the last two theories. " Rogue answer.

"Let me check your friend. " Then a old lady with pink hair in the bun, blue eyes and wearing a red cloak, enter the clinic room.

"Porlyusica... " Mirajane whisper.

Porlyusica walk towards Kagura, she touch Kagura forehead then the pulse of her heart beat. Her eyes shudders as she felt something around Kagura. 'Interesting... This human girl isn't unconscious by any of these theories. It's like a spell but at the same time it isn't. Something must have overpower her to cost the collapsing. ' Porlyusica thought. "Tell me something, had you see anything strange with this human girl before she collapsed in front of you. " Porlyusica question directly at Rogue.

Yukino and the others all look at Rogue, waiting for him to answer. Rogue close his eyes in thought.

Kagura heart pulse, her hazel eyes haze, she froze to her spot when she hear a young women voice. Rogue unfolded his hands as he sense fear and security around Kagura. "Kagura? " Rogue call out.

Kagura couldn't hear Rogue, Yukino, or anyone. Not even see anyone. Everything is dark... 'Where am I? Who's that voice?' Kagura question herself.

"Um, Kagura... Are you okay? " Yukino ask with a concern expression.

All Kagura heard is a female giggling but then she zone out to be back in reality once she felt two hands on her shoulder that made Kagura shiver and jump back a little. Her hazel eyes unhaze. Kagura blink cup of times as she look up to see Rogue staring down at her with a emotionless expression but yet his red eyes reveal he is worry about her. She notice Yukino behind Rogue concern about her well being as well.

Kagura briskly look around to try to find the source of the voice. Rogue notice how strange Kagura is acting. "Are you alright, Kagura? " Rogue ask once more calmly.

"Yes... " Kagura lied.

Rogue narrow his eyes at Kagura, knowing she's lying but chose not to say anything about it. He let go of Kagura shoulders as he sigh out loud. "Let's continue to watch the battle. " Rogue change the subject.


Kagura held her hand in front of herself, and stare at the palm of her hand that is shaking a little in fear. Rogue narrow his eyes, watching Kagura carefully.


Rogue smile at Yukino cheerfulness but soon faded when he heard Kagura spoke. "Yeah... " Kagura spoke with a sleepy tone.

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