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There's a knock on my door and I hesitate whether to open it or not. Not many people visit me in my room.

Actually no one visits me. Except for Paige. That's only sometimes though. I'm sure whoever is knocking is not Paige.

First of all, because it's too early in the morning. Second of all, because I've learned to recognize the way Paige knocks the door. Weird, I know.

There's another knock. This time louder way louder. I'm about to peek through the hole when there's another knock.

I open it slowly making sure it's not Sheamus or something. When I open the door I see Dean standing there.

"Um hello why aren't you ready?" He asks looking at my pajamas. "Excuse me? Ready for what?"

He walks in the room and I look around to see if anyone saw that. What would they say if they saw Dean Ambrose walking into my room at 7:30 in the morning?

"To leave. We're going to Iowa duh." He says as he lays on my bed. "I just made my bed." I say cringing at the sight of him making it messy again.

"Beds are meant to be unmade. I don't get why you have to do all this stuff. By the end of the day you're only going to unmake it again."

"Because that's the way it is. No shoes on the bed!!!" I scream as he puts his dirty boots on the white blanket.

"Okay pipsqueak. No need to scream." He says sitting at the edge of my bed. "Now why're you here again?"

"Because I came to pick you up. It's obvious." He says. "Pick me up? For what?" I ask and he gives me look.

"Did you forget what we talked about last night?" He asks annoyed. "No. I just don't understand-"

"You're riding with me." He answers. "I ride the busses though." Riding with Dean? For like hours? Oh no, no, no. Not happening.

"You're going to have stop riding the busses. Until we break up pookie." He gets up from the bed and grabs my suitcase. "So get changed so we can go."

"I will honestly rather ride the bus." I answer as I walk towards my suitcase. "Oh that's a great idea. While you're at it why don't you scream to the world we're fake dating to split up Randy and Sasha?"

I roll my eyes. Reason 12,345 why I dislike Dean Ambrose. He's a smartass.

"No I just don't want to ride with you." I say annoyed. "Well I also don't want you to ride with me yoda. So we both have to do some sacrifices."

"Did you just call me yoda?" He literally just called me yoda. "Yes I did. What are you going to do about it shortstack?" He bends over to my height and touches my nose with his nose.

I groan and sit on my bed crossing my arms across my chest. He makes me so mad. "Listen, payjay. We have to act like a real couple. Okay?

It doesn't make sense for you to ride the bus and me to ride by myself. If we're a couple we travel together. Okay? We need this to be as convincing as possible. So in public we will act all lovey dovey. When we're in private we can punch, kick, spit, I don't know do whatever to each other. We just really need to convince people about this. That's the only way it'll work. Okay?"

I sigh as I throw my head back. Ambrose does have a point. If I agreed to try this crazy plan I might as well do it right.

"Okay. Okay." I say. He grins, "There's the attitude poopsie woopsie." He says pinching my cheeks. "Would you cut it off with the nicknames?"

"Do you really want me to stop?" He asks. "Yes I really do." I say and he sighs loudly. Okay..." his voice trails off. "I'm just kidding poophead the nicknames aren't stopping."

He walks to the door and I look at him angrily. "I'll see you downstairs payjay." He laughs and as he's walking out the door I throw a pillow at him. Sadly it doesn't even hit him. It's not like it wouldn't hurt anyways.

After I get dressed I head downstairs. I'm still super aggravated with Dean and I honestly don't want to deal with him for the whole car ride.

I'm suddenly starting to horribly regret accepting this stupid plan. Which I'm sure it's going to fail anyways.

I honestly don't think Sasha will get jealous when she sees Dean and I together. Why would she? I'm nothing to be jealous of.

Also Randy wouldn't get jealous to see me with Dean. He barely even looks at me. I'm sure he won't even notice I'm fake dating Dean. So why am I doing this again?

"There you are beautiful." He says as he walks to me. I turn around thinking maybe Sasha is behind me or something.

"I missed you so much." He says as he walks to me. He pulls me in for a hug and I tense up. Okay so he was talking to me.

"What're you doing?" I whisper as he lays his head on top of mine. "I'm acting like a boyfriend duh." He says in between his teeth.

"Too much." I say as I push him off. "You're right. We should save this for when we see them." By them he means Sasha and Randy. It's too risky to say their names out loud even though no one is really around.

I'm about to start walking when he grabs my suitcase. "I can carry it myself." I mumble. "That's not what a good boyfriend does."

He starts walking and I just follow him behind awkwardly. This just feels awkward. Walking with Dean to his car. Him calling me beautiful and hugging me. Him carrying my bags. It's just surreal.

He unlocks his car and sticks my bags in the back. Before I get in he opens the door for me, "You're overdoing it Ambrose."

"Aww you're such a cutie babe." He answer as he pokes my nose. I give him a weird look and he mumbles under his breath, "People are looking we have to pretend."

Oh. Right. I forgot about that. I turn my head and see that Bayley is a few feet away sticking bags in her car.

She glances at us and now I know why Dean is being this way. Obviously Bayley is going to run and tell Sasha. Or at least we hope so.

I turn back to Dean and fake smile touching his cheek. "What are you doing?" He asks still fake smiling. "I'm touching your cheek. Isn't that what girlfriends do?"

"No that's not what girlfriends do. That's just weird." He answers. I frown and stop touching his cheek.

Seconds later Dean stops faking and I see that Bayley drove away. I get on the passenger seat as he gets on the drivers seat.

He starts playing loud rock music and grins turning to me. "Ain't this fun nerd waffle?" He says loudly over the music.

I sigh leaning back on the seat and closing my eyes. This is going to be a long ride.

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