Late at night, on the 31st of October, the doorbell rang. Thinking that it would be children who were just trick or treating, Meridith opened the door with a basket of candies hanging on her hands. There was a five-days-old baby in a pastel blue blanket at the door. She knelt down and dropped the basket on the floor. She rubbed the hands on her apron and gently took the baby. That little thing was burning with fever. As per the traditions of the orphanage, she put on a tiny little beaded bracelet around the baby's hands and then gave it the necessary care. That baby was the youngest one, the other children were ten or older, so Meridith decided to adopt her as her own and named her Jennyfer.
Jen grew up and became a really boring girl. She never went out with friends because she never had any of them. She would only go out to go to school or to the library. She never went to parties but she knew exactly how a party would be as everyone else in the house would narrate her their party experiences. People in the house would crave to hear her voice. She barely even talked to anyone. She would shed tears for nothing, well we don't know what was going on in her mind. But, that was only what she showed to the world. She was a total fangirl. She would watch Korean dramas all night long. She listened and even jammed to Kpop songs. She used to write fanfics on this website called 'Fanatoons'. She would have dance parties and dance to Drake and Beyonce songs, alone. Her journal were filled with fanarts and many book related things. She loved reading. Meridith was the only one she really talked to.
After high school, Jen did law courses which ended seven years later. During those seven years, she struggled with anxiety a whole lot. Sometimes she would wake up and decide to not attend the classes. If people would go and talk to her, she would act all weird and try to run away. She was never really participating in class. The teacher would ask her a question and it would take great effort to even look at him. She went to a psychologist who really helped her gain confidence and she was able to be more active in class for the last two years of her course. She was no longer afraid of talking in front of the class. The panic attacks were always haunting her no matter what. She topped her law examinations and soon found a job, working under a well-known legal advisor, Mr Joe Chainer. This old man was the funniest person she had ever met. They worked as friends rather than serious lawyers. No one would ever be able to say that by looking at his grumpy face. Mr Chainer was a man of wisdom and Jen considered herself extremely lucky to work under him.
Jen was the last one to be admitted to the orphanage. At first, there was a total of fourteen people but now, after twenty five years, only three were left; Jen, Daisy and Fred. The others were either adopted by other people, got married and lived happily or were old enough to take their own responsibilities. Daisy and Fred were married to each other and living a happy life in the orphanage. They are always there with Meridith. Fred and Jen brought money in the house and Daisy and Meridith would do all the house chores; mostly Daisy, Meridith was quite old now. Jen would never be able to thank her enough for all that she had done for her. They were living peacefully, the four of them. The house was no longer an orphanage...
Well, Well! I think I might die if new people continue coming up to me and talk. I don't want to be like this my whole life. What is wrong with me? Why can't I be a normal person? I want to make friends, party, get drunk, have boyfriends or even make out with people. No, I don't really want those, it's just that, other people of my age are doing it...
So today, this guy came to me trying to start a conversation while I was having lunch. When he extended his hand for a shake, I ran away. That was soooooo rude. I wish i was a better person. I could hear his friends saying, "That's how she is, you'll never get to talk to her". THAT'S HOW I AM!!!!! How am i?...
23rd Jul 2009
extracted from 18 year old Jen's diary

The Coffee Spill Boy
RomanceJen (Jennyfer Will) lived in an orphanage for several years and finally moves in her own apartment after getting her new job. She suffers from anxiety attacks and being near too many people makes it hard to live... She then meets this fellow americ...