All ends lead to new beginnings, no matter what that beginning may be. Everything happens for a reason. Your life has been roads of positives and negatives, and how you decide to go about those paths makes you at the end of the road. People change. People are constantly changing, but that's not a bad thing. When you can recognize change in yourself and change in others, you as a person have a choice of where to stand.
You never really realize someone is holding you back until they're gone. At least this happens for me.
If I was the same person now that I was 2 years ago, I wouldn't be able to catch all the curve balls thrown in my path. I'd be beaten, broken, and bruised. But I've grown as a person inside, I can breathe and take a step back. Put myself first. Others no longer get to me. It doesn't matter if someone does or doesn't want to be in my life, I know and acknowledge that I am a good person that does things for the right reasons.

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Teen FictionJust some thoughts and quotes compiled together to make you think