~Ending Number Thirteen: Syrus Truesdale~

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Hey, sorry it took so long. I've been SUPER busy lately....

No one....You couldn't think of anyone that you could possibly start a relationship with. Maybe....Just maybe....There's someone in the future, waiting for you. You then went up to Yami, and asked him about it. "Is there any way you can send me to the future?" Yami seemed shocked. "Why would you want to go to the future?" "In hopes that I can find my lover." "I see...."

Now you have all your things together, ready to be sent to the future. Yugi was tearing up. "(y-y/n), I want you to have this." Yugi then handed you a duel deck. "It's an Angel Warrior deck. I want you to have it." "Thank you." You then hugged Yugi. "Maybe, one day, we'll see each other in the future." "Maybe..." "Goodbye, and thank you." Yami's millennium puzzle then began to glow. Time seemed to pass by. And soon, you were in an unfamiliar place. 'This must be the future. Well, better make the most of it!'

You were nervous to do this entrance exam. You weren't really good at dueling, so how could you expect yourself to pass? Though you shocked yourself by passing....But just barely.

When you arrived, you met Syrus, and instantly fell in love with him. It took a while, but Syrus finally mustered the courage to ask you out, which you happily accepted. Lucky you!

~When You Kiss In Public~

You and Syrus were in the classroom, when Syrus kissed you. "Please, don't be mad." "Why would I be mad?" "Ms. (y/l/n), Mr. Truesdale, both of you have detention!" "Oh, right..."

~When You're Sad~

You weren't why, but you felt sad. Perhaps it was because you failed your test. Or that you tripped in front of everyone. Or maybe it was something else. But whatever it was, you were sad about it. Luckily for you, Syrus caught on quickly, and comforted you till you felt better.

~When He's Sad~

"Hey, Syrus, why you acting so gloomy?" "Because..." "Because why?" "Because...I fell like I don't deserve to hold power bond." "Syrus, trust me, you deserve that card." "But-" "No buts!" Syrus sighed, then smiled. "Thanks (y/n)." "Anytime!"

~When You Have A Nightmare~

You just woke up from a terrifying nightmare. You dreamt that you had gone to the future, but never actually found your love. You began crying. Syrus, who was also awake, heard your crying, and came to check on you. "(y/n), are you okay?" "Syrus....Do you love me?" "Of course I do!" "Good, that's all I needed to hear. Sorry for bothering you." "It's fine. Goodnight!" "Goodnight!"

~When He Has A Nightmare~

Syrus dreamt that he lost a duel to Zane...And that you left him for Zane. "Please, (y/n), come back!" Syrus then awake, to see you looking at him with worried eyes. "You okay?" "Yes." "You were crying in your sleep." "Don't worry, it was just a nightmare." "If you say so. Goodnight!" "Goodnight!"

~When He Tries To Impress You~

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