Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
Nicole's POV
--After about 20 minutes of running--
"Holy shit..." I huffed and ran to a random tree and climbed it. "Tag, you're it!" Slendy screamed and laughed behind me. I screamed and, out of reflex, slapped him, square on the face. I gasped and yelled, "Tag!" I ran from the tree and to the house.

I opened the door and accidentally slammed it. Jeff gave me a strange look. "Listen here. I have a lesson, never play tag with Slenderman." I said and ran to my room and locked myself in the bathroom. 'Wait, he can slender walk....'

"Fuck....." I mumbled and jumped out the window. I stopped and caught my breath. I turned and Slendy tagged me. "Tag!" He slender walked to the house. How I was able to know that is a mystery.

I ran into the house and to the study. Slendy was passed out on his bed. I made an 'aww' face and walked over to him. I kissed his head and skipped out of the room. "Well, someone's happy." I heard BEN say. "Never play tag with Slenderman. EVER." I said as I skipped down the stairs, only to fall halfway down and faceplant at the bottom. I groaned and stood up. "I'm going to the Overrealm to get stuffs from my house. Be back in a few." I yelled and ran to the portal.

I got to my house and my mom's car was there. I walked in, and she was talking to a police officer. She looked at me and smiled. "Where have you been, Nicole? I've been worried sick!" "I was at Slendy's house for a couple of days." She nodded. "Ma'am? Who is Slendy?" The police man asked. "T-That's classified." I said and walked out of the room to the stairs. I heard a thump and saw the officer, on the floor holding his ears. "Slendy... Leave the poor man alone." I groaned and he stood back up. "Is this Slendy person, Slenderman?" The officer asked. "I'm sworn to secrecy." I mumbled and ran to my room. I grabbed my suitcase and packed my Ipod, phone, laptop, my favorite horror movies, clothes, and my rose ring. I ran down the stairs and out the door.

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