Numbers, Meetings & Sobs - Chapter 44

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|...Perrie's P.O.V...|

My eyes hurt from all the crying I had been doing. I know I had no right to be crying as if it were his fault, because I knew it wasn't. It was mine. I took full responsibility for my own actions - I just wished I hadn't been so foolish. If only I had thought about how this effects me, how this effects us. It makes me look like a horrible wife, and it makes it easier for Zayn to leave me, leaving our baby fatherless.

I shook my head of the thoughts, deciding I needed some advice. So I grabbed my phone and dialed Caraline's number. I remembered she had told me to call her back but I never got around to it.

Three rings later she picked up. "Hello?" she chirped into the phone, making me pull it away from my ear briefly.

"I need to talk to you about something - it's pretty personal, so I would appreciate it if this just stayed between you and I, meaning you cannot tell Harry." I emphasized on the word "cannot." She let out a sigh mixed with a groan, but gave in nevertheless.

"Okay, fine."

"Can we meet up somewhere?" I asked, running my hand through my blonde locks.

"Okay, sure. Where?"

"The park. Meet me in twenty." With that, we said our goodbyes and hung up the phone.
I rushed into Zayn and I's room and grabbed my coat, getting Jasper ready as well.

Then, I walked to the park where I met up with Caraline at. She wore a warm brown fur coat, black leggings and a brown and black scarf around her neck. Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail, and her hands were stuffed in her jacket pocket.

"Hi!" She greeted me with a welcoming smile and sat on the bench to the side. Dark clouds covered the sky above, and a wet fog lingered in the air.

"Hello," I said simply, sitting down with Jasper in my arms. He was laying against my chest sleeping, and I had his baby blanket wrapped all around him to keep him nice and warm. His beanie was on his head covering his ears.

"So, what is it you need to talk to me about?" She was eager, yet patient at the same time, a small smile playing on her lips.

"I, um, I cheated on Zayn. . .not once either." My voice was low and I was avoiding her eyes.

"What?! With who?" I glanced at her and she hung her mouth slightly open, her eyes wide with shock.

"Louis. We were a thing before Zayn and I got back together. I mean, he was the one helping me raise Jasper. I guess I still have some feelings for him, but I love Zayn!" I added the last part quickly, looking at her with a dead serious look.

"Does Zayn know? Did he find out?" she asked, keeping her cool.

"Well, yeah. The idiot showed up to our house the night of the fireworks show. He was in the house when Zayn and I got back." I sighed, rolling my eyes at the thought.

"Well, do you want to stay with Zayn or go back to Louis?" My heart raced and dropped at the same time, leaving an unsettling nerve in my stomach.

"I want to stay with Zayn, but I'm not so sure if he wants to stay with me. Last night he made me sleep on the couch, and I didn't get one 'I love you.' You can probably tell there was a fight. It wasn't that big, but not that small either." I frowned deeply, closing my eyes tightly to hold back tears.

Caraline noticed the sob that escaped my mouth, and she said, "Hey, hey, calm down. Listen to me." I looked at her, tears running down my face, my lips quivering. "You have to make it up to him. You need to be there for him, and him only. No one else. Not even Louis. Stop all contact with him. No texting, no calling, and no meeting up. Focus on Zayn. Rebuild the relationship you guys had. Get on his good side again!"

"How am I su-supposed to do t-that? I think I m-messed up." I sobbed.

"I think I have an idea."

Hey Beauties! Here's a new chapter! I hope you guys like it. Send a friend, or friends, the link to this story. Let's make History. :)

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Dedicated to: Gigi_washere endless_chaos_ Jnayhay88 shamae2416 shawnieXlove Flower__Crowns BreaunaMarshall Diana1329 Lilybethjones hazelMKblackwidow I_Like_Both Fangirl_Addiction alessandra

And a shout-out to lilybethjones !! She's amazing! Everyone go check out her workshop. It's an amazing idea and I think she's awesome for doing it! :)

Also a shout-out to my good friend Bella_Higgin !! Everyone seriously go read her vampire stories and her zombie novel! She is a legend! Congratulations on the ads thing, my good friend. You deserve it more than anyone I know, to be fair and honest. <3 :) Xx

I love you all so much!

Yu Guys Rawk!!!!

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