Chapter 8

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Berk was quite at night. It was very unusual for an enemy to come and attack the island at night. They guessed because the humans had in way to see them in the dark. But it definitely made it easier for the young of young hybrids to sneak around. Especially when they were trying to make their way to Stoick the Vast's house.

Of course the chief's house had to be in the middle of town close to the Great Hall. Where everyone would pass them by and ask question about who the new hybrid was.

Speaking of new hybrid, Hiccup was dressed in a red top with a leather scale top going over it. His face was hidden in a hood and the blackness of night made it easier for people to see less of his tail and wings.

While walking to the chief's house, they so far not been stopped by anyone. Some waved to them but the group was so knit together that no one was able to see Hiccup at all. It was perfect.

They were closing in on Stoick's house, when someone decided to come out from the Great Hall and make their way towards them. It was Gobber. The one hook man was taking a leisure stroll and was about to stop by his friend's house to see how he was doing. What he did not expect was to see Astrid and her friends.

"What are you five doing out here on this glorious night?" Gobber came up to the small group of young hybrids.

"Oh, we just wanted to have a word with the chief, that's all" Astrid explained as they all crowded closer.

This did not go unnoticed by Gobber, "All of once"

"Ya, it's really important" Fishlegs tried not to sound nervous.

Gobber didn't believe them for one minute. What he did see though was that the group had one extra person. He was in the shadows and made him hard to see but he could definitely tell there was someone. "Who's the new guy? I haven't seen you around before?"

"This is our cousin" Tuffnut interject. He grabbed Hiccup and pulled him to his side. "Sid Thorston. He's a....a...."

"He's from the far islands" Ruffnut helped her brother out.

"Ya, a real loner this guy is" Tuffnut patted Hiccup on the shoulder as he tried to sound convincing.

"Really?" Gobber was not amused by the twins. He may act a little goofy at times, but that doesn't mean after all the years he didn't know when the twins were lying to him.

Hiccup could see in Gobber's eyes that he wasn't buying it. He had only one chance to see his father and fix this situation. All that was standing in the way was Gobber.

"Well, here goes nothing." Hiccup brought down his hood, "It's me Gobber"

Gobber recognized that face anywhere. He had seen that face in Stoick the Vast and Valka. "Hiccup?" Gobber grabbed onto Hiccup's shoulder to get a good look at him, "Is it really you?"

Hiccup nodded his head.

"Hiccup!" Gobber was so happy to see the young hybrid. He, like Stoick, was very sad when the news of Hiccup demise had reached them. He was so close to the little hybrid that he was even a second father to the boy. "How are you alive? And where have you been?"

"That's what I'm here to tell my father about" The sound of noise caught their attention as Hiccup quickly pulled up his hood.

Gobber looked around as he too sensed the danger of Hiccup being here, "We better get you inside"


Stoick being happy to see his son alive was an understatement. He was over joyed. He grabbed Hiccup and gave him a bear hug. He then wept a little, even though he would not admit it, in seeing his son. He then gave him a stern lecture of how he should have come home and where had he been all this time. He had been worried when he heard he had been captured by Vikings. And if not for being the chief, he would have ran off and hunted those kidnappers down if he could.

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