There is a reason we are sent to Earth. There always is, isn't there? We'd always been present here, in fewer numbers, yes, but present nevertheless. Let me start at the beginning.
The universe is actually divided into several planes (Look! The humans got something right, for once) Different planes were in contact with different parts of the Earth. It led to different religions popping up, different civilizations, and different kinds of people. Something went wrong and around ten thousand years ago, it was decided to cut off the Earth from the other planes.
There were some doorways we couldn't quite shut. Dreams, nightmares, sleep itself was an ancient pathway, too ancient for us to find the source and shut the gates. And there was one more. One uniquely human pathway.
Books. The written word is stronger than most humans know. All intelligent species in every plane have their stories, but the stupid humans had to write them down. Make them into movies, sing them as songs and paint them on a variety of surfaces. All doorways. Always multiplying all around the world, every hour, every minute, every second.
It was alright when the humans stuck mostly to writing about themselves. Now, the old gods are being revived, old monsters being brought out of the closet, ancient memories being dusted off. What's worse is that they're evolving. Beings from other planes cannot exist on Earth without humans thinking about them. Humans have a tendency to forget, so most of the old monsters disappear. Humans also have a tendency to remember. They don't remember clearly, so monsters get twisted. Their true essence remains the same, for otherwise they cannot live, but a few facets of their personality get switched. Inverted. Changed.
Vampires who are quicker, faster, immune to traditional methods of killing. Werewolves who are friendly, shape shifters who can move smoothly into a new form every few seconds. Older monsters. Ghosts. Shades. Magicians. Demons. Angels. Old gods.
Which makes it difficult for us. We don't know who is who anymore. Who is an ally, who is an enemy and who is here against their will. Who are we? We are Kával, the Guardians. We watch the many passages between the worlds. We watch, we guard. We protect those who open gateways but don't know what they do, those who are too innocent to understand, who cannot wrap their tiny little minds around the true vastness of the universe.
We need emotions to survive. Positive emotions. Love, happiness, joy. And we are incapable of feelings. We need other species to live. That's why we're present on almost all other planes. Everyone but us is capable of feelings and we need those feelings badly. That's also why we guard, we protect.
We are the product of years of breeding. Every drop of our blood is an amalgam of every known intelligent species. Vampiric, demonic, angelic, name it, we have it. We are trained to chase, to kill. To protect everything we hold dear.
We are present everywhere. Every city, every town, every human habitation. The girl next door. The boy in school. The old lady behind you at the supermarket. We are always there although it may not always seem so. We guide you towards the light, towards joy, away from the dark, bottomless pits of your souls. That hand on your shoulder, that stranger who offers you a smile, that friend who pushes you to go on. We are your guardians. We are Kával.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: please vote and comment :)

Sins & Redemption
Teen FictionIn a world filled with good and evil, Cidryn is a guardian, also known as Kával. Her duty is to guard, to protect and to rid the world of evil. She can feel no emotions simply because she is made that way. Now, Cidryn is on an assignment. And this a...