A few weeks has past and if things changed before now things really have changed. Brandon and Callie never talk or even keep eye contact. On the other hand Mariana and Callie have grew closer since Lexi ended up dating Jesus and they don't really hang out anymore. It was Friday night and as usual it was another awkward family dinner for Callie and Brandon. It was the usual catching up with everyone's day and until Stef said," So we have the court date for the adoption." Callie pretended not to listen or care because she didn't want to show any emotion. Jude smiled and asked," When?" Stef looked at Lena and Lena continued for her," This Monday." Brandon smiled at his little brother and said," Do you hear that Jude? Monday we will be officially part of this family." Everyone but Callie talked about how happy they are for the adoption but she was soon pulled out of thought when she heard her mom ask," Cal what do you think?" Callie looked up and she realized now one was saying anything because they were waiting to hear her response. Callie slightly smiled and chocked back her tears and said," I can't wait." Then she looked at Brandon and they made eye contact for the longest time since they found out about the adoption. After everyone was done eating Lena said," Callie and Brandon it is both of your's job to clean the dishes tonight. " Great," Callie said sarcastically out of reflex. Lena crossed her arms and said," Excuse me? Is there a problem Callie." Brandon looked at Callie and so did the others at the table. Callie shook her head and said," Nope, no problem at all." Stef nodded and said," Please watch your attitude next time." Callie looked down and didn't respond. A few minutes later the others except for Brandon and Callie left to go to their bedrooms. Brandon walked over to the dishes and started cleaning them. " Let me help," Callie said while walking over and grabbing a dirty plate. Brandon put the dish in his hand down in the sink angrily and grabbed another and began washing it. Callie sighed and said," Are you mad at me?" Brandon set the dish down hard and said," I can't believe you." Callie gave him a puzzled look and said," Believe what about me?" Brandon angrily shook his head and said," Just you! Did you really have to make that sarcastic remark and do you really have to ignore me all the time?" Callie shooter head and argued," Me? What about you? You never talk to me and when I enter the room it is like I don't exist to you." " You seriously think that Callie? When you are in the same room as me you have my full undivided attention," Brandon said with so much hurt in his voice. Callie didn't respond she just went back to the plate she was cleaning. Brandon sighed and said," How long do we have to feel this way?" Callie looked up at him and said truthfully," Until we don't." Brandon felt a tear escape his eye and he mentally slapped himself for it because he hates showing weakness in front of people. Callie saw the tear and her heart broke but she just said," I need to go to bed." With that she left the room leaving Brandon to think of how painful this was for him. Little did he know that Callie felt the exact same way. A few painful and awkward days later Monday came and Jude couldn't be happier but Brandon couldn't shake the guilt of the pain he knew he was causing Callie. Last night Callie had decided to stay at her dad's house for the night because she couldn't handle seeing Brandon before the adoption. Callie had just finished getting ready when she heard a knock at the door. When she opened it there stood Brandon. " Hey," Callie said with a sigh. Brandon looked down and then at Callie and said," Before I got here all I could think about was being adopted and protecting Jude but if there is one that would make me blow up the adoption is if I am hurting you. Am I? Am I hurting you?" Callie couldn't believe what he was saying and she knew she couldn't tell him the truth because he needed this adoption more than anything. It took a moment for Callie to gather up the strength to tell him," No, your not hurting me." Brandon nodded and then he pulled Callie into a hug. He pulled away and said," I need to get going. See you there?" Callie nodded and said," Yeah I will be there." At the court house they were waiting anxiously for the time when it starts. Brandon noticed another boy with Jude and he walked over and said," Hi are you a friend of Jude's?" Jude answered for him and said," Brandon this is my friend Conner." Brandon smiled and said," Oh well it is nice to meet a friend of Jude's." " Yeah he is really nice," Conner said smiling back. Before Brandon said anything in response a felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around and Stef said," Brandon I need to talk to you." Jude over heard her and asked," Is everything okay?" Stef nodded and said," It will be." Stef and Brandon walked over to a bit more private area and Brandon asked," What's going on?" Stef sighed and said," Brandon when your social worker was looking through your files he found a copy of your birth certificate that didn't have Donald Jacob signed for as your dad." " Then who's name did it have on it," Brandon said slightly pissed. Stef put her hands in her pockets and said," Does the name Robert Quinn have any meaning to you?" Brandon shook his head and said," I have never heard that name in my life." Brandon looked over at Jude then back at Stef and asked," Does this mean I can't get adopted?" Stef shook her head," No you can't. Not until we find Robert Quinn and have him sign his parental rights away." Brandon nodded sadly and then said," Can you still adopt Jude?" Stef smiled and responded," Of coarse and Brandon we will adopt you the minute we can." Brandon nodded then went over to Jude to tell him the news. " So we aren't getting adopted," Jude assumed after hearing what Brandon told him. Brandon shook his head and said," No Jude I want you to still get adopted. I will still be adopted just later on okay?" Jude nodded and hugged Brandon. After Jude got adopted Stef and Lena threw a celebration party at the house. Instead of being inside celebrating Callie was sitting on the bench in her back porch strumming her guitar. She was startled a bit when she heard a voice say," I didn't know you played guitar?" Callie looked up and saw Brandon. He sat next to her and said," How did I not notice that you played guitar let alone own one." Callie laughed a little and said," I don't really mention it much. Plus I only play it when I want a distraction." Brandon nodded and then asked," Can you play me something?" Callie giggled and said," Sure." Callie played a few cords and Brandon nodded his head to the beat. Once she was finished she noticed Brandon staring intently at her. She realized she was staring back and then without thinking her eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips. Brandon did the same and realized that he was leaning in. He was about to kiss her when she pulled away and said," I am sorry Brandon but you need this family and I refuse to stand in the way of that." With that she stood up and placed her guitar down and left. Brandon just sat there confused and hurt. Then for the first time he questioned if he really wanted a family if it meant if he couldn't be with Callie. Brandon sighed and said to himself," Why do I have to screw things up for everyone."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So short chapter again but since it is shorter I will try to update again today. I want your guys' input on this story and what you think of Callie being the one to reject Brandon. I also want to ask you guys how often you want me to update just do I have an estimate on when I should work on this. Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment.
- Em💖

I Will Always Fight For You
FanfictionWhat if Brandon was the Foster kid and Callie was the biological kid. This will be a similar but different take on the Brallie story. (Chapter 38 and 37 got mixed up some how...srry)