Chapter 4

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I had trouble sleeping after what happened between Tyler and me. I kept wondering what would have happened if I had asked him first before entering his room. Maybe then he may not have minded me looking around. I feel so much like a fool.

Early in the morning I hear movement outside my room. It was almost seven when I glance at the clock beside my bed. I climb out of bed to see who was up. I thought maybe Aylin or Nick was up, but it wasn't them. It was Tyler. I catch a glimpse of him just as he slips out the sliding door with his surfboard.

I don't know what made me, but I decided to follow him. I was already dress after sleeping in the clothes I wore yesterday. I grab my shoes, slipping them on as I hop on one foot out of my room. Once I manage to get my shoes on, I hurry out of the sliding glass door just as Tyler disappears from the backyard. I run after him, stopping once I step onto the sand. I spot Tyler walking down the beach, looking around to see where the best waves were. We were the only people on the beach. I walk closer to him, keeping a distance so he couldn't see me.

I sit down on the sand a few feet away from him. He hasn't notice me yet and I was glad he didn't. He walks towards the water and paddles out on his board. I watch him. He went out a fair way and then sat there waiting for the right wave. When he spots one coming, he gets himself ready and stood up just as the wave came underneath him. He surfs it. I watch in amazement, curious of how you can stand on the board for so long. I'm sure I would have wiped out within seconds. He surfs the wave for a few minutes until he wipes out. Another wave washes over him, and it takes him a few seconds to resurface. He climbs back onto the board and paddles out for another wave.

"Hey, what are you staring at?" a voice says as it snaps my attention away from Tyler.

I look up to see a blonde hair girl standing to my right, dressed in red board shorts and a bikini top. She was holding onto her surfboard under one arm. I recognise her as the girl in the photo of Tyler's desktop picture. I wasn't sure who she was, but she looks pretty mad seeing me sitting here on the beach. I have no idea why she would be mad at all. I wasn't doing anything besides watching Tyler surf.

I went to pick up my marker when I realise I had left the whiteboard back at the house. I didn't think to bring it at the time. How am I supposed to explain it to the girl now?

I point at Tyler, who was sitting on his board, waiting for a wave.

"Who said you could sit there and watch my boyfriend surf?" she asks me.

I suddenly realise who the girl was. Gabe had mentioned her yesterday when his mother asked where Tyler was. Shannah. His girlfriend.

I stand up, not understanding why she was so angry with me. I didn't see what the harm was in sitting on the beach and watching Tyler surf. I'm sure a lot of people did that.

"You know, I'm really sick of you fans coming to the beach just to drool over him," she continues. "Why don't you get your own boyfriend to drool over? He also doesn't need you coming down here when he is training. If you want to watch him surf, wait until the competition."

I stare at her blankly. I have no idea why she was under the expression that I was drooling over him. I wasn't. I was just watching him surf. Is that such a crime?

"Aren't you going to say anything?"

I continue to stare at her, wanting to say something so badly.

Shannah figures out who I am, giving me a smirk. "Oh, you must be Ruby. Tyler was telling me you will be staying with his family. You don't know how to talk, right?" She laughs, which makes my heart shatter to pieces. I hold myself together, trying not to cry in front of her. "Why don't you just run along, you freak? I don't think Tyler would want you drooling all over him. He will never have any interest in you."

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