Chapter 11: Y/N's Plan

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Ozpin: Y/N, F/N, Mr. Schmidt and Schindz... You've all gotten the King chess piece sucessfully and have shown great combat skills against the Grimm. You are Team __AR! Led by your leader Lieutenant Y/N.

Y/N and his squad Nazi saluted Ozpin as he hesitantly saluted back, not really knowing what it means.

The Nazis went straight to their dorm room as Richter closed the door behind them.

Y/N: Okay! Apparantly ve've been pulled back into der schule...

Adalard: I hated schule...

F/N: Me zoo

Y/N: Quit it! Ve are Nazis, der überlegen! Ve are having combat class tommorow so I vant us all in tiptop shape for it.

Richter: Lieutenant Y/N! Ve have visitor at our door!

Y/N: Tell zem to go avay!

Richter: Zey say it's ze important.

Y/N: UGH! Kleine kinder...

Y/N opens the door to reveal a girl dressed in... Y/N doesn't even know where the heck these kind of clothes come from.

Cinder: Hello there...

Y/N: Vat do you vant?

Cinder: You seemed very strong in your initiation... I have a proposal for you... Commander Y/N

Y/N: No... Go avay!

Y/N slammed the door in Cinder's face earning a scoff from her as she walked off to join Mercury and Emerald a few steps down the hallway.

Mercury: So tough girl... How'd it go?

Cinder: Let's just say they're not the very accepting kind... Shame.

*Back to the Nazis*

Y/N: Hündin...

F/N: Vhoa zere Herr Oberst... Calm down...

Y/N: I am calm.

Adalard: Herr leutnant... I saw zis brochere about zis... 'Vytal Festival'...
It is aparrantly about teams fromm all over zis 'Remnant' battling against each ozere...

Y/N: Let me see that! *grabs brochere from Adalard and grins deviously* men... Ve are about to show zis vurld vhat ve are and our capabilities!

Y/N told the team his plan to win the Vytal Festival and possibly use their fame to spread Nazism throughout Remnant. They would need something powerful to get past the teenage hunters.

Or as Y/N called them...

'inkompetenten amateuren'

Adalard, Richter and F/N all agreed to Y/N plans. They were excited to show this world what Nazis are capable of.

RWBY Fanfic • |The Arrival| Book 1 In The Germans In Remnant SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now