bonus 2

106 6 1



"mummy, daddy is stole my crayons."

"brinley, love! give your daughter back her crayons!"

"but, my love, she'll be a little trouble maker and draw on the walls - like always."

"nuh-uh. bad daddy."

"now now, iris. calm down."

"yeah, angel bunny, simmer down."

"why not play – brinley stop kissing me – play with your barbies or watch cartoons?"

"doh okay."

"why stop kissing you? i lovveee you."

"i love you too. mchwa. very much so."


"uh, not this."

"okie then."

"i need to tell you dinner or afterwards."


"or just pester me until i tell you, okay."

"do tell, don't keep anything from me."

"i'm , i'm sorry i kept it from you for so long my lovely."

"are.. are you cheating on me?!"

"brinley. never, where do you get this from?"

"thank the goats. i'm not, i don't know. i just think that someday, someday sooner or later, you'll find someone better than me. someone who loves you way more but that's impossible cause my love for you is impeccable."

"never, i won't leave you."


"the thing is.. i have a bun in the oven."

"you made food..?"

"hah, no."



"you're pregnant!"


"mummy, daddy, shush. wonder pets is on."

"iris, darling. guess what?"


"mommy's going to have another baby!"

"a sister for me?!"

"aw no, sweetie. you're going to have a little brother."

"a boy? awesome! i mean, i'm happy with my princess and queen, but i want a little jester for this king."

"ha ha."

"so i have little brother?"

"yep. in five and a half months."

"wow, we need clothes, we need to tell people, doctor appointment so i can see him! everything!"

"i told bur, that's all."

"everyone pack up! road trip down to grandma's for the week, to the best hospital, to a that one fancy restaurant for mum and dad. everything! let the chicken pop!!"

sightlessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora