Chapter 36 A Message About Lilith

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Chapter 36

A Message about Lilith

The group had made their way to where to where they could see the edge of the Granite Mountain Range of in the distance. The colossal mountains appeared blue in color and looked like monstrous set of jagged teeth ready to tear the sky apart.

They had crossed over into Bremmington a country filled with halflings and widgets. Normally the country would have been bone dry and a desert, but the ingenuity of the widgets made the land fertile and grassy. There were metal fountains and sprinklers everywhere that worked on timers to keep the land lush and green. The fountains and sprinklers ran at night from about 2:00 AM to about 4:00 AM and then shut off. There where mammoth structure that stood fifty feet tall and had pipe works that spread for hundreds of miles in every direction with hole in them to deposit the water to where it was needed.

The land was still occupied with venomous snakes and scorpions, and the weather was always exceedingly hot in the day and incredibly cool at night, but at least it was livable wherever anyone wanted to live in the area. There were some mountain dwarves that lived in Spike's Peak Mountain. Some wood elves that live in the minute forest of starwood trees in the northeast corner of the country. There was a sprinkling of every race throughout Bremmington and everyone got along fairly well under his lordship of the widget king Calypso Carpathian.

The king was a good man he believed in fairness and justice and a bit of tomfoolery when he had the chance, but then that was the way of widgets. They just couldn't help themselves to having a bit of fun, not even the king.

The widgets had managed to keep water flowing where other hadn't. They had kept their orchards in good order, their grains healthy, their gardens flourishing, and everything that needed water was in abundance.

The widget had trade down to a science with the way the weather had been so hot all the time the little people had found a way to make it all work for them and they had enough to share with their neighbors if they were willing to pay the exorbitant prices the widgets charged.

The widgets weren't fools even though they acted foolish. They were extremely intelligent and wise to a fault. They were shrood businessmen and women. When you made a deal with them and shook hands at the end of the deal you had to count your fingers when the deal was done.

The party made their way across the green grasses of Bremmington. None of the younger travelers had seen so much tall green grass the grass reached their wastes which came up to about Stephanous's middle thigh. The grass went on for miles in every direction, but the view of the sky was spoiled with all the pipe work that fed the water to the land.

"We need to find a tall hill to camp on." Michale informed the group. "The widget and Halfling don't build on the hills. We don't want to get caught on the low ground."

"Why are you worried about sleeping on the grass?" Brayothan asked.

"Because when those pipes start raining down water we'll all get drenched." Michale replied. "I'm not looking forward to an early morning shower are you?"

By late afternoon they had found a large hill that would serve as a campsite. The broke down the camping gear and set up camp. They all felt a little uncomfortable about camping on the hill because they were forced to lie at an slightly difficult angle. They tried to build up dirt levies to try and have a halfway decent place to lay, but nothing seemed to work. So they ended up lying with their sleeping with their supplies as though they would be standing on them.

They built a campfire from wood they had gathered from around the area. The fire was small so as not to attract too much attention and yet keep wolves and bears away. They cooked their meal and ate telling stories and having a good time. It didn't feel like they were really on an adventure that night. It just felt like they were out to have a good time.

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