Hate On Trump Is Wrong (I think, I'm not sure)

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Hey guys, my name's Natecardio, and in this chapter, I just feel really annoyed with some stuff. I'm about to go on a rant. WHY ARE PEOPLE HATING ON TRUMP. I know he has done some bad stuff and said some bad things, why are so many people thinking they trump will start WORLD WAR 3 or THE DOWN FALL OF THE USA. It is untruthful and just not civilized. I myself don't like trump, but you can't just say you want him dead because he'll kick out all Muslims, your wrong, he'll cut off all ties with other countries, your wrong, and for a bunch of other things to. And so if you think that it is okay to do that, you're wrong, AND IM NOT SAYING THIS TO ANY SPECIFIC PERSON. Oh well, as always, Natecardio awayyyyy!
___________________________ I'm probably gonna get some hate, but come at me people, jk, I'm kidding, peace

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