"Ok so we are watching two more before the break" I stated. "The first one is 'The Hero you yearn for'. I said.
[Ladybug hears crying]
Ladybug: Wait a minute thats me? When I was younger all I wanted was to be saved to save me from the bullies to save me from being alone.
"You were bullied Princess?!" Adrien asked incredulously." Yeah but I got over it." She replied.
Ladybug: I used to be a crybaby, always giving up before I had the chance to start. I always thought I needed a hero. [to her younger-self] Hey whats wrong little girl?
[Marinette just keeps crying]
Ladybug: Whats the matter? Don't cry. It'll be ok. Trust me, I know what its like to be bullied. Its not fun.
Marinette: Who are you?
Ladybug: My names Ladybug. Whats your name?
"You're so kind My lady." Adrien sighed. I'm thinking one thought, LOVESICK IDIOT!
[Marinette trys to say her name but can't]
Ladybug: Ma-Ma-Mama? Thats a werid name i don't think that's your name.
Marinette: My name is Marinette!
"Woah you're talking to your youngerself!" Nino said.
Ladybug: There there Marinette,it'll be ok and what if i told you that you don't need a hero to come save you? What if i told you that you become the hero you yearned for, for so long? You'll become your own hero.
Marinette: Are you saying there won't be a Prince Charming to come and save me?
"But I'm you Prince, my Princess!" Adrien said dramatically."Right?"
Ladybug: Sadly the world doesn't work that way but I'm not saying you won't find him. And who knows your Prince might be some blonde haired black cat, who always gets stuck in a tree and the top of the Eiffel Tower and always gets in trouble and you always have to save him.
"Not always!" Adrien retorted which earned lots of laughs.
Ladybug: But he's strong and reliable, and you don't have to count on him to always save you because in fact you might be the one saving him most of the time.
"Thanks Bugaboo." Adrien said then realized what else she said" Hey!" But I was unfortunately fed up with him, " Adrien shut up!" I yelled.
Ladybug: You and him are a team. But don't worry you'll be just fine.
Marinette: But I don't understand.
I turned it off.
"Why did you do that?!" Alya yelled. "Its sad!" I replied. "Ok next we'll watch, 'Adrien's Jealousy'
Marinette: Why are you so mad, Nathanel was just being nice?! Adrien get down from that Table!
[Scene reveals Adrien on the table sitting like a cat next to a teddy bear]
Everyone laughs at the way he's sitting.
Adrien: Just being nice? Princess he gave you a teddy bear with a heart, A LADYBUG HEART!
Adrien glared at the screen.
"Adrien be nice to the tomato boy, You little cinnamon roll!" I yelled. I actually don't get why the fandom calls them that I'll be honest.
Marinette: Ladybug heart?
Adrien: Don't you see the spots? Does he know you're ladybug?!
Marinette: Of course not!
[Adrien glares at bear]
Bear: B****
[Adrien pushes it off the table]
Marinette: Adrien!
"Adrien Agreste, control your temper!" Marinette scolded.
"Ok break time!" I yelled.

Watching Miraculous Comic Dubs
FanfictionI decided to make this because there's too much watching the show fics but not enough watching the comic dubs fics. What happens when a crazy Miraculous Fangirl teleports Our main characters to my cousins house to watch comic dubs of themselves? Ins...