"Ma'at." I murmured "Something's gone wrong." I exited the chamber, why do these problems occur ten minutes after I blummin' step in to my Ra damned past! Few guards patrolled the corridors. My feet felt pre-programmed as I walked amongst a maze. This place felt like it had been made, purposefully to drive me insane! My fists spontaneously clenched at my sides and my enigma full eyes got caught up in a long blink. This resulted in me, the clumsiest princess ever, to walk straight into someone's well toned chest. Oh great. I opened my eyes and elevated my head ever so slightly to peer into hazel eyes. Blonde hair side swept over his face. It was non other than Joey. A crimson blush materialised onto his perfect skin. Wait what did I just say?! God something must have broken in me. "Oh, sorry" I felt like my mouth had been glued.
"It's ermm, ok. You wouldn't know were I am supposed to be going. I don't know who I am." he stammered back. He gently pushed past me, heat radiated off him. The nearly nauseating experience, made me slower as I walked to find the source of the scream.
I found an older wooden style door, it was seven foot in height and around five foot wide. I heard speaking behind it so I tentatively knocked. The door swung open before I had chance to put my knuckle on it. Now looking into the unnaturally large room I understood where the scream had come from. A spell had been set on the playing field, if you can call it that. Every thing was shrouded in an inky black, probably shadow magic. A single blue eyes white dragon, had its head above the murk. An beast I recognised as Dragon Seeker hovered too. As I approached the stone segment the mist cleared. I must have looked ridiculous as my jaw dropped down. For stood in front of me were two Setos.
In unison they both turned to face me. Oh holy Ra this was creepy. "Good duel my twin." I could see one had a more olive complexion, and this was who spoke.
"Oh um, yes brother." The darker Seto departed. "What witch craft is this!" Yelled the paler Seto. Yeah this was definitely future Seto.
"I don't know for Kuriboh's sake!" I raised my hands dramatically. "Apparently, Yami and Atem are my Ra damned triplets! How am I supposed to know what's going on!" Seto looked at me amused,
"Why do you know so much rubbish about this place?" He began to look disgusted,
"Because it's my past, and it's yours too! I reckon I am your sister here but, I think I am adopted by the royal family." I put my hands on my hips and leaned slightly forward "Lemme guess, Priest Seto? and that was Priest Seth? Seth is actually the God of mischief and storms. I believe he will be a handful." He looked at me blankly.
"Um, yes... I believe some kind of controversy has occurred. I believe Atem is to be pharaoh because Yami went missing, however, he is not married so therefore cannot assume the throne."
"You do realise I will then be next in line" I felt a mischievous smile touch my lips. "But you'll ruin it won't you," I narrowed my eyes "Because you ruin most things for me." He looked speechless "Just play your role, and along with the events that unfold. Don't give away your Isis damned future or we're all screwed!" I think I wound him up a little too much... Well my 'friends' are somewhere in this accursed palace. I found my feet leading me to a room high up in the palace. The wooden door opened, it reminded of a living room or seating area. Mikari and Seaki were both laid on two large animal skin seats, the seats faced one another. Tristan and Joey sat in the corner wrestling, which seemed normal. Duke had a girl with striking blue tinged hair, but she was wearing a ragged dress, brushing his locks. Tea levitated around Yami and Atem who bickered defiantly near the balcony. A few others who I recognised as the priests of the millennium items hung around in a small group.
"Oh look who decided to grace us with her presence." this rather sharp remark came from a violent tongued Teá.
"Oh hello Tauret, oh sorry Teá." I have a problem with her and she has one with me, I think I've made her abit angry. Oh if you're wondering Tauret has a Hippopotamus' head, a lion's back and hind legs and the breasts of a pregnant woman, she looks worse than her. I couldn't help but laugh at the sniggers than erupted from my comment. I didn't want to bully her but she bullies me.
"Oh for Amun-Ra's sake Sophie, you're a savage a worthless pile of ash nothing more! And what's worse you're not even that royal! ha!" I was guessing she was referring me being cousin to the pharaoh twins. I didn't play along, I wasn't going to ruin my 'brother's' care for me that easily.
"How can you say such accusations without cold hard evidence." I actually felt distraught, I actually felt like that had a bigger meaning than what I knew. It's like you know what the person said is true, but you still are hurt and try to defend yourself. It's confusing, but then again isn't everything in this Ra forsaken place.
Two people wrapped their arms around me. They enclosed me firmly, neon green and pink eyes looked at me sorrow filled. Mikari was dressed in a short cream robe, a dark green sash was tied round her middle and secured with a golden ankh buckle. She had her long hair plaited and twisted up into a bun with a long clip coated with pearls. She wore her earrings and some golden beads and necklaces hung round her neck with small animal icons. Seaki on the other hand wore a floor length robe which stopped at her waist and a smaller 'tube' around her chest, interwoven with beads of varying colour and size. Her hair had a few strands of braids of beads and braids. A long chain necklace hung down to her exposed flesh and her right arm had her cuffs, she also had a cuff around the top her left arm in the shape of a dragon. Kohl deeply outlined everyone's eyes. They held me protectively everyone had become hostile towards Teá. Atem spoke "Tea get out. I am no longer with you. you insulted my sister. So leave before I call the guards."
"But-but Ate', we were supposed to marry and rule together."
"No Teá you have just brought pain to my relationships. I banish you from the palace walls and communication with anyone who plays a role in the palace." Joey and Tristan who I thought were guards grabbed Teá's arms and dragged her out.
"Come along Tauret." Joey said stifling a giggle. I saw him latch his tongue between his teeth.
"I HATE YOU ALL!" yelled Teá as she departed.A hawk landed on the window sill after Teá had left, its plumage was ruffled and it looked badly kept, not to mention how scrawny it looked! A scroll was tied to its back and a white silk ribbon was secured tightly round its ankle. Yami uncoiled it slightly, "It's addressed to us Sophie, Atem." he looked up in turn after speaking the names. "I think we need some privacy to read it, thanks everyone for your support we will see you later for a feast in the name of freedom." everyone cheered before departing.
Yami and Atem sat side by side on one of the animal 'settees'. Yami tapped the space next to him, as I sat down I hip bumped him and spoke jokingly "Is it me or are you fat lumps now?" they laughed, good. Yami tugged down the lower part of the papyrus completely and allowed us to read the poorly wrote hieroglyphs over his shoulder.
The royal family of Egypt,
The royal children of Egypt,
Pharaoh Yami, Pharaoh Atem and Princess Sophie.I am writing to you to give you chance to prepare for our arrival. This hawk will have been sent with light magic near the end of our journey. She will be unkept due to the strange mystery of light travel, take care of her. I am arriving with my two twin grandsons, Heba and Yugi.Their parents died in a chariot accident.
My breath got caught in my throat but I carried on reading the scrawl.
We will arrive in The Port via ship, and continue our journey down the river of life and death. We will disembark outside of the Palace's doors. Your father and I were great friends, it is sad fate took him so early. He was a great man and showed a great kindness to his brother's misfortunes.I winced at this statement, there in black and gold could be the proof I am not truly royal.
We will arrive, two nights after this letter. On arrival we require a substantial meal, hot bath, introductions, a tour and a room per person, with servants.
We look forward to meeting you again, the last time I saw you three you were very little.
Regards, And blessings
The Emperor of Japan
SolomonI felt my jaw drop as Atem quickly rose and ushered some servants around. A visit from an emperor, was this going to be good or bad?

Blue Eyes (Yu Gi Oh Fan Fiction)
FanfictionThis is a Yu Gi Oh fan fiction, with the main character being Seto Kaiba's sister.