Ch 1: Some Old, Someone New

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Max POV:

Another new year of college, whoopee-do, the only real change is that it's Friday and that there's some new students. I hope their nice, me and my friends are some of the only good kids at this mean school. By mean, I meant that most teens here live by popularity, and dominance, not kindness, and acceptance. Here, your either cool or lame, jock or geek, leader or wimp. Whelp, I have to get to History, the harshest of the harsh, the subject is pretty good, it's just the teacher that's awful. Ms. Glop introduces an average size girl with short black hair and dark skin who's wearing a hoodie; it's a good thing none of the teachers' care about the rules as long as they get paid; but the most unnerving thing about her is her eyes, their silver and it seems that the pierce through your soul, they gleam with intelligence, strength and, something else, sadness? No, there's more than just sadness there

"Now class, make sure to welcome our new student" Ms. Glop says sarcastically, "This is Luna, do you have a last name?"

"I don't have a last name Miss" the girl, Luna I presumed, states shyly

She doesn't seem too bad, but I can tell, I can tell that something's off. It might have something to do with the hoodie she's wearing.

"Shall I just call you Ms. Brat then" Ms. Glob asks harshly, "or how about Ms. Idiot."

"No thank you, madam'" she responds, "Just Luna, will do please."

"Very well, LUNA" Ms. Glob taunts, "sit anywhere you like, I'll assign seats tomorrow."

I can tell that she knows by the cold stares where she shouldn't sit, I'm the only one who isn't giving her 'the look' so she sits by me. Thorough the class I can tell she knows the answer to every problem, but gets it wrong on purpose, I wonder why. During lunch she has nowhere to sit, she looks terrified, I sit by my friends Emily and Sam. Emily is an affectionate and friendly small woman with tan skin, radiant red hair, soft green eyes and freckles, who delights in cheer up people, it often leads to them asking for some money, and Emily not having the heart to say no. Sam is a trusting and curious guy with dark skin, blond hair and warm grey-blue eyes, he's athletic, but short-tempered sometimes. Sam, being the trusting guy that he is, invites Luna to sit with us. At our table she looks straight into my brown eyes with her piercing silver ones, in those seconds it feels like she judging me, looking over my life until she knows me entirely.

Until she breaks the silence, "Hello, my name is Luna, what are your names?"

Emily answers, "I'm Emily, the guy that invited you here is Sam, and the guy with the raven black hair is Max"

Me and Sam said hello. Throughout the entire lunch period, she kept asking about us, we asked about her, most the time she gave vague answers.

"So Luna, do you like any sports?" Sam asked,

"I like running" she responded,

"That's cool, when did you start?"

She looks confused "I've always ran"

This puzzles me, the more I know her, the more it seems that she hiding something big, and I don't really enjoy people that hide big secrets, I also tend to not trust them, because of him.

"Were you home schooled or have you been to other schools" I question,

"I been to other schools" She answers...Sadly?

"What are they like"

"Bad, traitors, not there"

"What do you mean by that"

"They all were bad, the ones that befriended me lied and betrayed me on multiple occasions" It seems that she's getting angrier "And they weren't there" she claps her hand over her mouth.

"Who weren't there?"

"I don't know" It seems that she's shut up for now.

During gym class some guys were picking on her, I saw that Sam was about to walk over and turn them into mashed potatoes, when one of those idiots shouted,

"I bet you can't even run a single lap"

I saw a look of anger in her eyes, she then retaliated by saying, "I could beat you in a 30 lap race ANY day of the week"

"Oh YEAH girly, well, then will it be a problem if it's a 50 lap race"

"What happens to the loser"

"They have to do any ONE task assigned by the winner"

"DEAL" Soon they were set up, and during the race I could tell that Luna was holding back. Maybe for stamina? Near the end of the race it looked like just was giving just enough to win, and she did, and didn't even break a sweat. I want to find out why.

After school we invited her to hang out at my house, she accepted.

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