All I Wanted

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"It's tomorrow." I knock on Chanyeol's bedroom door.

I hope I'm not annoying. But last night, I couldn't sleep. I was tempted to tear my blankets apart and use them to create a sword to rip up more sheets.

Oh my goodness...I actually do have a problem.

Chanyeol opens the door and smiles warmly. "Good morning, Jungkook. Ready?"

"Go-Good morning. Ah, yes I am." I was surprised he was in such a happy mood.

"Alrighty." He grabs his car keys and leads me forward.

I was actually afraid that he was planning something. I mean, a night is a long time. He must've planned something.

We drive and park by the sidewalk near the house. Not the driveway...

I get out of the car suspiciously. "Uh, Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol looks at me innocently. "Yes?"

"Are you ok?" I ask, while scratching my head.

I wanted to be lowkey with my suspicion.

"I'm good. Here." He throws me the key to the house.

I catch them with a shaky hand. "Uh-"

"Don't ask how I got it." He laughs.

"You're not coming in?"

"I don't need to. I don't want to barge in to your space." Chanyeol says with his hands up

But.....when you broke into HaeWon and I's house, it was totally fine.

I nod. "Ok..."

I made my way to the front door. Already the past memories were greeting me like family members on Thanksgiving.

I remember the living room where I first found out about Iron Man.

I make my way to HaeWon and I's old room. I open the door and....nothing changed.

Some of HaeWon's belongings were still on top of dressers. Her clothes and my clothes were on the bed.

Oh how I miss her.

I thought we were going to return to this house like a happy couple.

Turns out I came back first.

I sigh and leave the room before I start crying like a baby.

I enter my room. The room where I didn't want to be in because I wanted to be with HaeWon.

The familiar scent. My plain clothing. My boy stuff.

I almost don't want to ruin anything.

I don't.

It'll be like ruining my past. Ruining my memories with HaeWon.

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I don't wanna do HaeWon like that. Or myself.

This was my first real home. My first real room.

My first chance to be a real human.

First second chance?

I sit down on the bed.

There's no way I'm going to mess this up.


He isn't coming back.

Did I mess up that badly?

I did, didn't I.

"He isn't. And I moved on." I cross my arms like a child.

"You have?" Yerin questions.

"No! I miss him!" I cry.

"Well. This looks like you need some ice cream." Yerin grabs her purse.

"Chocolate please." I pout.

After she left the room, I fell onto my bed for the millionth time to scream into my blankets.

I lay on my stomach and stare at the bedside lamp.

If only I could go into the light-


It's the velvet box.


On the counter.

Where I last saw it.

I pout.

Stupid impatient self.

I grab the box and open it.

I cover my mouth and let out a cry

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I cover my mouth and let out a cry.

He was going to propose.

With this beautiful ring.

I dare not to touch the ring. But something does catch my eye.

It was a small message engraved inside the band.

“my cure

I felt warm after reading that small yet meaningful message.

I was already in tears when Yerin came back from the store.

"How are you feeling now?" Yerin asks was she enters the room.

She quickly notices the ring in my hand and she sighs.

"The ring?" She walks over.

I point out the message to her.

"Awh...." She grabs the ring. "That's the sweetest."

"I know." I cry out.

Ding dong.

"Oh. That's someone. Let me go get it." Yerin says and runs out.

I sit down on the bed and bury my face in my hands.

I messed up everything. I could've been happily living with Jungkook by now.

"Knock knock. You have a visitor." Someone knocks on the door.

I look up and see Chanyeol standing at the doorway smiling.

I manage a small smile. "Hey."

"Hey, you." Chanyeol comes over and sits next to me on the bed.

He notices me holding the ring.

"You already knew, didn't you?" He asks.


"You saw the ring before all this happened." Chanyeol states.

"Kinda." I sob in my hands.

He pulls me closer. "HaeWon.....he wanted to wait."

I look at him. "What?"

"He asked you about your health problems because...well...he wanted to take you somewhere." Chanyeol explains.

I back away, shocked. "What?"


I stare at my closet.

Just pieces of fabrics can bring so much memories.

When we went to the mall. To when we had to leave.

I bite down on my teeth to hold back the unnecessary tears.

I didn't have to wait. Did I? I was probably expecting too much.

Everything I see brings back a memory. No matter how beautiful the memory is, it's painful.

"You wanted to wait."

I snap my head around to the voice.

I almost broke down.


Her eyes red. Her face stained with tears. Her clothes obviously thrown on.

She was leaning against the doorframe, still crying.

I looked at her, confused. I was lost, but I was glad. She was here and that's all I care about right now. I see her. But she's not happy and that breaks me even more than what got me angry.

"You wanted to wait to propose because.....because you didn't want to propose in the house. You wanted somewhere special. Somewhere beautiful. Somewhere that meant more." Her voice was so depressing.

My lips tremble, signalling a wave of tears.

"You wanted everything to be perfect. Every detail, you said. You wanted me to be surprised. To be thrilled!"

I wipe away my tears.

"To be married, you thought you could love me even more." She cried. "And....and I can't stand living without that type of commitment."

"But I messed up. I ruined it all. Your plans, your special evening. Because of my impatient self, we had to split up-"

I ran to her. I spread my arms and grabbed her like she was about to fall. I hug her tighter and tighter, letting tears fall peacefully.

"I don't care. I don't care, HaeWon." I cry. I place a hand on her head.

"I don't care if it wasn't how I planned. I don't care about what you said. I don't care about the special evening." I swallow the lump in my throat.

She was balling her eyes out. I just hugged her tighter.

"All I wanted was you. You, HaeWon, you!" I laugh and cry at the same time. "All I ever wanted was you. I don't care about the flowers, the ring, the outside scenery. I just wanted you."

HaeWon pulls away, grabs my face, and slams her lips against mine.

‘‘I only care about you.’’

‘‘And that's all I want.’’

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