September 20 2015

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He has been trying to get a hold of me for days. Every time he approached me, I shut him out. Telling him to leave me alone only made my depression and anxiety worse. I had been trying to ignore him for a while. I prayed about what to do, and the same day I got a fortune cookie that said ignorance will not answer any questions. So I responded. At first it was going really bad, and I even thought I was going to throw up again so I went to the bathroom and let him angry text me. I didn't read them until the anxiety went away. By the time I responded, he was gone. I was honest. I probably said too much, but I'm happy with the outcome. I told him I'm not angry at him, but I fear him. And I told him that I forgive him. And I told him that we can't be friends, but I have standards. But when I told him I forgive him, it's like something switched off in him. His mood completely changed. I'm not sure whether or not to believe half of the stuff he told me was true, but I know it was the right thing to do. I haven't felt peace like this in a long time. Forgiving feels good.

Evolution Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz