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So I guess I'm just gonna make a chapter of all the things I'm thankful for!!!

I'm thankful to everyone one on here who cares, and listens to me rant and worry and whatever else I do. Thank you for caring, for being here for me, you mean a lot to me (you know who you are!)

I'm thankful for my family, they're stiff, hard to get along with, and sorta harsh, but I love the none the less. I just wish you'd get off my butt and stop thinking I was still 10!!!!

I'm thankful for my best friend, she is always there, and I hope I am to, you are the best, and I love you!!!

Also, the food on my table, the roof over my head, everything that i will take for granite sometimes. Because, when you think about it, some people have it way worse than me. I mean I don't have a lot of things, and I'm not spoiled by any means, but I do have more than some, and I'm thankful for that.

Last, and probably what I am the most thankful for, is someone who will never see this, (I hope not at least, WAY to embarrassing) I'm thankful of Ethan Cassidy, dude, you have no clue what an impact you had on my life after you just started to actually pay attention to me. I hadn't had a single friend n two years, and I'm so happy you came along. I'd probably be dead by now if it wasn't for you. Than you for still telling the Councilor, even after I begged you, about the cuts on my wrist. Thank you Ethan so much, you have no clue how much you mean to me, I love you (In a brotherly way) and I guess this is me Thanking you without saying it to your face. You say you knw how much you helped, I doubt it. Thank you, so much Ethan.


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