↬ Imagine #1 (Jack) ↫

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"Jack, do you HAVE to go to Bristol?"

Jack, your boyfriend of two years, was going to the University of Bristol for the semester. Of course you're happy that he is going there to study something that you truly hope he enjoys while being there, but you're going to miss him dearly once he leaves. Jack sighs as he looks at you with a sad expression. "Sadly, yes," he said slowly. You gave him a big hug as your head was in his chest. "I don't like how you're going to be so far away," you said softly. "Same here," he whispered as he kissed the top of your head. The both of you stood in each other's arms for quite some time until Jack's mother calls for him.

"Jack, the train will be here in a half hour, let's head on out!"

Jack looks down at you with a sad smile. "I guess it's time to go," he said softly. You nodded as tears filled your eyes. "Promise to write me?" you asked him. "I promise," he said with a soft smile. You shared a soft kiss as his hands were on your hips and your arms were around his neck. You both hugged for the last time. "I love you," he said. "I love you, too," you softly said in response. Jack got in the car and went to the train station.

(A/N): Hey, guys! So, this is my first imagine for this book. Sorry if this was sad, but I hope you all enjoy this anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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