The Phi Kongkoi

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Phi Kongkoi is a terrifying being known to let out loud cries at night saying...

"Hungry! Hungry! Hungry!"

She is a ghastly being that is ravenous in nature, usually she is encountered mainly in forest and is oftentimes seen feasting on fish, boars, and other wild animals.

Although due to recent urbanization, she has been sited late at night usually with a bowl in hand. If she spots you she will hop quickly towards you, at this moment you will catch a glimpse under her tattered dress showing you that she in fact only has one leg and with a backwards foot at that!

When she approaches you she will say "Hungry, Hungry, Hungry!" when she does this it is best to give her something to eat

(however you must do so before she repeats the phrase once more, because even if you manage to get away, if she says the phrase a 2nd time a curse will befall you and will become malnourished due to illness.)

or if anything else something to snack on, because if you don't she will attempt to attack you and make you into her next meal instead!

She is said to apparently be very fond of meat, however giving her even a stick of gum will be enough for her to munch on while you make a quick escape.

There have been suggestions that if you yourself purposely instigate an altercation with the Phi Kongkoi and manage to defeat it, she will then take the form of a beautiful young woman -in order to avoid getting killed- she will then insist on becoming your bride in a song bird tone.

If you accept such an engagement, though the relationship may be blissful and satisfying, with even new found fortunes be-falling you in all aspects of your life.

She will be a difficult partner to maintain due to her huge appetite, which will increase when/if she becomes pregnant, and if you are unable to provide for her properly her previous nature will resurface and she will become cannibalistic towards you and any children she may have bore you.

An examination of some stories suggests that in the old days, the Phi Kongkoi only attacked those who ate the meat of pregnant animals (but as I obviously mentioned before) over the years she has expanded her taste preferences.

Before Phi Kongkoi became the being she is known as today, she was said to be a cannibalistic grandmother who used her 3 youthful and beautiful granddaughters as unwitting lures to waylay, usually male, strangers and encouraged them into traveling through the woods to her cabin.

However when the granddaughters could no longer stand doing such atrocious deeds they confronted the grandmother and said they would no longer follow through with her orders. The grandmother who was angered at the news grabbed a knife and a bowl and tried to kill and eat her granddaughters.

Luckily due to being outnumbered they easily defeated her and pushed her off from the great height that their cabin resided at.

As she fell her leg got caught on a sharp stone and tore off, when her body hit the ground her foot twisted underneath her causing her to become even more mangled.

It is said that she will often prey on the spirits of little children who have become ghosts and imprison their souls in her cabin where she forces them to do housework as well as trick people, whom are unwittingly traveling within her area, by enticing them with the promise of shelter and a delicious meal.

Her cabin is said to be next to the very banyan tree that her body was originally discovered under centuries ago.

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