Chapter Eight: Sacred Tradition

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Gif of Ley (Indiana Evans)above and Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds :)


Tommy and I hadn't talked since Wednesday.

It was officially Saturday afternoon, and I was getting ready for Ley's party, which was going to start in an hour. I always started getting ready earlier than most people, because I contributed to the stereotype of girls taking forever to get ready. But, it wasn't for reasons like makeup or choosing what to wear. I took forever to change because I was always getting distracted, whether it be by a book I was reading or my Instagram DM's.

After finally putting down my copy of Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, I pulled on a pair of black leggings and a loose shirt with a feather print on it. I contemplated bringing my book, but decided against it as Nita would kill me if I did.

Suddenly, the horn of a car blared from downstairs.

"Mum, Nita's here to pick me up!" I yelled down to her, as I rushed down the stairs. I couldn't wait to leave the house, and forget all about my issues with Tommy.

I burst out the door, locking the door with fumbling fingers. What I saw when I turned around shocked me.

"Ryan? What are you doing here?" I asked the blonde boy sitting on his car hood.

"Why, picking you up of course. Now, chop chop, we have a party to get to," he replied easily.

"But...but you're not invited. It's my friend group only."

"Au contraire Linda, I got a text last night saying I was invited. Now, come on, as you're one of Ley's closest friends, you should probably get there quickly."

A text? Why would Ryan, of all people get a text....Jacko. That sneaky, conniving, little-

"Linda? Hello? You there?" Ryan's voice broke my train of thought. I gave him a tight smile and nodded, before another thought occurred to me.

"Hey Ryan, could we pick up Summer as well? She lives right next door to me."

"Yeah, whatever, let's just hurry, ok?"

Ten minutes later we were on our way to the party, with Summer in the left-hand backseat, and me in the passenger seat.

Ryan took a right turn, the opposite direction of Ley's house.

"Ryan, where are we going?" I asked.

Summer was oblivious to the situation, as she had never been to Ley's before.

"Ryan, you do know Ley's house is the other way, right?" I pressed. Summer snapped her head up, eyes filled with worry.

"Relax, I'm not lost. I just have to pick up a...a friend. That's all," he replied.

"Oh, ok."

We rolled to a stop outside a modern three storey house, with a pretty, white gate, surrounding the property. There was a large, lush green yard, split in the middle by a stone path, that lead to a pristine white door.

"Wait a minute," I said, a worry tugging at the back of my mind. "What about Nita? She was meant to pick me up."

"Don't worry, I got Jacko to text her for me," was his reply.

Since when did Jacko and Ryan get so buddy-buddy?

"Wait, how did you get my address?"

"Jacko of course. He said Nita was held up at Riley's so he gave me your address after I offered to pick you up."

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