#6 Separatist Supply Ship

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Also known as the Separatist Support Ship, the Separatist Supply Ship was a model of ship originally designed for corporate transport. It was later used to transport troops and droids and arms and supplies when it was introduced to war in late 21 BBY.

Separatist Supply Ships were 908.78m (2981ft 6.7in) long, 16257.32m (4125ft 0.8in) wide and 910.35m (2986ft 8.6in) high. These ships were capable of carrying over five million metric tonnes of cargo. They were protected by point-defense laser cannons, but mainly relied on other ships to provide its protection. Supply Ships were also equipped with a hyperdrive.

Supply Ships had multiple hangar bays, which could carry multiple C-9979 Landing Crafts. The main hangar was located in the midsection of the starboard hemisphere. It had an aft entry and boasted ceiling cranes and cargo loading and storage equipment.

It was possible for a single T-Series Tactical Droid to command the vessel, with B1 Battle Droids serving as the bridge team and cargo supply crews.

They sported the blue design of the Confederacy and a Separatist insignia on each side of the hull.

During the Republic Invasion of Umbara, the Grand Army of the Republic (particularly the 501st Legion) captured an airbase that had been supplying the defenses of the capital city. To aid the Umbarans, the Separatist sent a fleet which assisted a Separatist Supply Ship, which was used to rebuild the Umbarans' supply lines, providing them with arms such as long-ranged missiles.

Canon Film Appearances: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Canon or Legends?: Canon

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