"NO" was his reply which seriously ticked me off
Today has been a pretty chill day, nothing exciting happened at school. Nixon and I had a great time at Berries as usual and now I was home with Jordan who decided to invite Dallas and Hudson. They blastered their roadman music.
I stalked up the stairs not really thinking of my actions at the moment. I walked into my room, grabbing my phone and headphones. I decided to blast my ears with actual music.
I hummed along with the song. I recently started listening to a band called Ghost Town, they're pretty rad. I had the sudden urge to get up and whip my hair to the music like a rockstar. So that's what I ended up doing while saying the lyrics out loud. Jumping on my bed like a little kid was part of the contract too."Mayday Mayday this ships going down, and as your captain I'm ready to drown"
"Lana your not going to drown" a voice said which made me almost piss myself
I looked up to see Jordan leaning against the door, Dallas peeking his head in while Hudson was sitting on the floor, next to Jordan's leg.
"what are you guys doing in here" I questioned
"your singing drew us here princess" Dallas said which ended up with Jordan punching his arm
"but really though Lana no drowning" Hudson spoke
"but I'm your captain and if the ships sinking than I'm prepared to drown duh"
"but if I'm apart of your crew I would not let you drown" Jordan replies
"well I'm the captain so I'll drown if I want to" I answered
"this conversation is stupid" Dallas adds in
"you're stupid" Hudson says in a bland tone
"you tryna start something"
"let's take this outside" Hudson says up on his feet
"yeah let's go outside"
"yeah you both can take whatevers about to happen outside" I huffed
Thats when Dallas jumped on Hudson's back and managed to push him to the floor. Their laughter filled in the room as they where wrestling. I couldn't help but stare in amusement, my eyes wondered over to Jordan who trying not to laugh.
"Jordan you know you wanna join in" Hudson huffed as he managed to pin Dallas down
"no thanks"
"I'm going to beat your boyfriend" Dallas exclaimed as he managed to push Hudson off him and jumped on his back
"HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND" Jordan yelled in an annoyed tone as he too decided to join in punching Dallas in the stomach
The three of them tumbled about, almost knocking my wardrobe down and making a mess of my room, which irked me. Their laughter echoed in the room and I wouldn't be surprised if people half-way across London could hear it because that's how loud they were being.
"just admit it already" Dallas wheezed as Hudson and Jordan sat on his stomach
Jordan grabbed a magazine that was laying on the floor and threw it in Dallas's face.
"oww that hurt you poo"
"that's what you get for being stupid" Jordan snorts
"I'm not stupid though" Dallas pouted
"you can be" Hudson spoke his red hair falling across his face, the pins that he usually kept in his hair was in Jordan's hand for some reason
Jordans eyes travel to Hudson, a smile cracked onto his face and it wasn't long before he started laughing again. The room was silent as we watched Jordan laugh like a manic, I was scared he was possessed or something.
"Jordan are you possessed" Dallas questioned trying not to laugh himself
"your actually scaring me" I add in
"I like your hair like this it covers your ugly face" Jordan says as his laughter died down
"Jordan you know you love my face" Hudson said a little too smugly
"you wish" Jordan snorts before scooching closer to Hudson which resulted in Dallas groaning
"guys can you get off me"
"Your a nice chair Dallas" Hudson says as Jordan began fixing his hair
"April would have some fangirl attack if she saw this" I hummed watching Jordan work his magic
"April's hilarious, I like that kid" Dallas spoke trying to push the other two off him but failing
From the looks of it the other two seem to be in their own little world. Hudson's face was surprisingly red and Jordan's was schrunched up in concetration. If April saw this she would've have died on the spot singing. I low-key wanted something to happen between the two.
"Hudson dude your face is redder than your hair" Dallas laughed
"Shut up Dal" Hudson grumbled
"I'm done" Jordan huffed getting up from Dallas and sitting next to me
"y'all are too cute" Dallas said attempting a Texas accent which had the rest of us cracking up
"Alright lads I think we've pestered Lana enough, let's bounce" Hudson yawned standing up and pulling Dallas to his feet
"Wait I want to ask you guys something" I called
"what's up" Jordan replied
"ok so my friends and I are going to beach next week Friday and we were wondering if you guys could give us a lift" I asked
"sure" Hudson said without missing a beat
"how many people are going" Dallas asked
"like 6-7 unless you guys come too that's like-I don't I can't be bothered to work it out"
"Lana does mum know about this"
"duh I asked her the day we planned this" I shrug
"and when was that"
"like three months ago or something"
"I'll bring my car too" Dallas says a smile makes it on his face
"I'm tagging along" Jordan huffed
I rolled my eyes, I already figured this ages ago.
"alright we're going to leave now it was nice messing around in your room" Hudson said
"bye crew mates"
"goodbye captain" they all repeated at the same time
Well erm it's been a while Lol
I just haven't felt too motivated which sucks
Does anyone read this anymore.....
Sorry this chapter is a bit boring~ Lazy Potato

Milkshake Thief
Romance"Excuse me who the hell do you think you are, Milkshake thief" I snap and slam my fist against the table "I'm Nixon nice to meet you darling" he says coolly smirking at me and sips at my milkshake