Ashton: don't say a word. You'll sit on the couch and have folded arms; staring at the TV screen. He'll begin planting kisses all over your face and down to your neck, where he hit your soft spot, making you etch a little smile and bite your lip from moaning.
Calum: come, drop your bag and storm up to your room. It'll take you a while for you to let Calum in your room. His face softens when he sees your tear-stained cheeks. He'll hold you close and let you say what you need to say.
Luke: crush him in a hug; letting tears spill down your cheeks and some landing on his shirt. He'll hold you tight before carrying you upstairs and laying you on his bed; him laying behind you rubbing patterns on your stomach for you to take a breath and relax.
Michael: do nothing all day but go on your phone, or answer his questions with short answers. He'll grab his guitar and sing/play your favorite song for you to calm yourself and he'll sometimes run you a bath to calm you even more.

♡5SOS Preferences♡
FanfictionHere are just some preferences of the lovely 5 Seconds of Summer. Hope you enjoy :-) x (2013) *Some of these preferences were written a while back, so excuse the immature writing*