The Past, Present and Memories

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••Heads up! They are still countries just being referred to by their human names••

"I WANT my Independence!" An angry voiced boomed in the raining field
"You WILL give me that and whether you like it or not I'll be free from YOU!" The American was looking down at someone...
There on the floor sat a blonde British male who's face was being hidden by his hands. He was sobbing quietly into them.
"I treated you my best... And.. This is how.. You repay me.. All I've done for you.. I helped you.. Cared for you and.. You... YOU BETRAY ME!" The male shouted as his tears fell harder and the sobs became moans of sadness.
"..... Alfred... Please come back to m--"
He began to say but was cut off by Alfred "You have no use for my name as of now, Arthur. Same goes for me. I don't need you anymore."
And with those words the shouts of pain started..
Arthur sat up quickly in his bed with pain and tears in his eyes. "COME BACK!" Arthur shouted as he woke up form his dream. A memory that haunts his sleep almost every night. And he felt numb. All he could feel was that hurt. That haunting feeling of how cold Alfred was that day. The pain of how he'd call for him and yet he never came back. And yet.. Alfred was the only one who could ease that pain.
Arthur mumbled waiting for Alfred to come busting through the door like he always would when this happened. He'd come in... Ask what's wrong.. Hold Arthur in his arms until his crying stopped.. And apologize... Because he knew why he was crying and shaking.. Alfred knew it was his fault and that's why he'd comfort his beloved Arthur...
But this time...

He didn't. . . At least for a while. . .

Memories flooded back to Alfred for once.. He hasn't truly let go of what happened.. All this time he kidding himself. Telling himself that he was just young and dumb. That... Arthur wasn't a bad guy and he just wanted someone to be around.. Maybe that was the truth.. But Alfred couldn't accept that anymore.. He needed to know the truth from Arthur himself..

But Alfred took a deep breath and walked to Arthur's room where he sat with his hands holding his head with tears dripping onto the sheets. Alfred sat himself next to Arthur and wrapped his arm around his shoulder and stroked his hair gently, he felt his heavy breaths and could hear his small cries of despair. Alfred opened his mouth and started to say "Arthur.. It's okay..I'm here.. And.. I know its a bad time but.. Why did you.. Why wouldn't you let me have my in--" yet his sentence was cut short by Arthur's words...
"Why I denied your independence...? I knew you'd ask one day.. I didn't mean to hurt you Alfred... I-I didn't mean for all that to happen... I just. . . Couldn't.. Handle you leaving.. And.. Sometimes.. It feels like you're my world and s-sometimes it feels like you're my death... Back then.. You suddenly wanted to leave.. You felt like my death.."

And those words rung in Alfred's ears.
He didn't know if Arthur was saying that because he was having his moment or if that was the truth.. But those words..

Those words Seemed to make a change..

Alfred felt some strange wave of anger overwhelm him. Just like how he felt that day, but why was he so angry right now? He didn't even know himself. But.. His words.. He couldn't stop them from coming out of his mouth..
"Y--your death..? Your death!? You could've been my death! You could've shot me dead where I stood! But you couldn't! You couldn't bare to kill me! So you have no right to call me your death! Arthur, sometimes I wish you just shot me there, you know that!? This.. What we have here... It's torture sometimes! But I don't want to leave in fear of opening old wounds! I'm afraid Arthur! Afraid of what could happen if I stopped comforting you..! You let your depression get the best of you and hell knows what'll happen if I wasn't here helping you every. Fucking. Night! This is getting old Arthur! Let it go! Cut it out! Just.. Stop!"
Arthur had his face buried in Alfred's chest, he was holding onto his shoulders and shirt as tight as he could still quietly sobbing. It could be like this for hours sometimes. But when those last words left Alfred's mouth.. The sobbing stopped.. His grip tightened to a painful level.. And he lifted his head up slowly to look into Alfred's eyes..

They were clouded with anger.. Those beautiful blue eyes of his always full of light... Were dull yet shone with fury. This was so unlike him.. He didn't have his glasses on either that made things worse. Alfred looked exactly how he had looked that day.. That day in the rainy field where Alfred left Arthur.. Where Arthur's hope of having Alfred by his side forever shattered.. Where Alfred became independent but felt a part of himself go.. Where..

Where this all started...


(Ughhh I spent so long thinking of this and it was probably trash. Oh well. Also... Let it go  \_(° r °

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