Really bro.

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Isabella's pov.
" are you okay?" I looked up and saw the man ask. I nodded "yeah but I got to go thanks." I said to the man. I need to find my mate no matter what happens I'm sorry Zac but I hope you understand.

Johnathans pov.
I watched as she just left her friend to die. As soon as the coast was clear I dragged Zac back to the graveyard. I have something that will help him.

Later that night..
I helped Zac get back on his feet and he was able to take a nice warm shower. I started to clean things on his bed and put things away. "Hey daddy" I saw Isabella smiling. "Hey. Uh where's Zac?" I asked acting concerned. "Oh he rented a hotel room for us to stay in" she smiled. I can't tell what hurts more her lying to m or the way she was lying to me with no worries nor thought. "Funny because I'm right here" I turned to see Zac standing there only with a towel around his waist. "I'll let you two talk" I said closing Zacs door behind me.

Isabella's pov.
"I'm" Zac cut me off. "You're sorry? Yeah okay let's leave you to die when I could have saved you. Which I would never do. Glad to see you could!" Zac was fuming pissed I kind of felt bad a little. "Zac, I needed to find my mate that was more important! I'm sorry okay" I mumbled that last part. "Wow. Just wow you're the best friend ever! Okay we'll find your mate. Good luck to you as always" he smiled getting clothes. "You aren't coming?" I frowned. "Well Isabella sometimes some people try best to not die. I'm good thanks" he was back firing me. "Hey you listen up!" I walked to him and pushed him by his bare chest. "IM SORRY! YES I HAD TO CHOSE ONE AND I CHOSE MY MATE BUT THIS IS NO WAY YOU NEED TO BE ACTING" I yelled at him. He looked shocked. Then I felt his soft lips touch my lips. It was a passionate kiss. He pulled back from it, closed his eyes and opened them again. They were black with lust. Then controlled himself. "You can go anytime" he said looking deeply into my eyes. "And if I don't want to?" I asked. He pushed me against the wall hard. "Then I may do something you will wish you left when you had the chance." He hissed close to my ear. I was enjoying this. Or at least I think I was. I hope I do. "And what's that" I asked snapping at his nose. "I'd leave if I were you" he warned "okay but your not me. I'm me so I'm going to stay Zac" "say my name again" he closed his eyes. "Zac" I said his name again. He forced his lips on me. Causing me to moan in shock. I loved how the way his lips felt on me. He picked me up tossing me on the bed. Removing his towel from his waist.

Aiden's pov.
Brandon is in huge pain. Geez the guards must have knocked the wind out of him geez. "You okay bro" I asked him he shook his head no. "I'm in pain. This guards of yours hit me pretty hard. At least we know they can protect you at least." We laughed. He grabbed the remote flipping threw channels. "Why" I asked. "What do you mean why?" "Why did you let them run away?" It now just came to my mind that he told them to leave. "I don't know" he mumbled. I yanked the remote out of his hands. "Why?" I asked again. "Because! The vampire. She was my mate" he mumbled again. I laughed. Wait he was serious. What will mom think about this?

Bella's pov.

"Bella please!" I hung up the phone on connor. "What do I do Luke? I can't take this anymore. I can feel his wolf wanting Scarlett but yet he wants me which is making my wolf sad! I don't know what to do I'm stuck" I said sitting down. Lucas sat in front of me and took my hands. "Bella, You may not remember this. Because you didn't even know I existed before you found me. But, when we were little Dad and mom always told us be prepared to face the world that they will help us but when the time has come for them, they wanted to look down on us and see us be successful. This is your time to show them that they didn't fail. I know they didn't fail with you because you helped me, mom, dad, and your kids in many ways possible. Now it's time to help yourself. Okay? Now, I want you to pick up that phone and tell Connor what you feel about him and Scarlett" Lucas said serious. I nodded. I dialed Connors digits waiting for a pick up.

"Hello?" His voice make my wolf cower but I'm not cowering. "Connor, its fine everything's going good. You and your wolf are meant for Scarlett FAITH CHOSE YOU GUYS! We chose each other and.. I want you to know I'll be okay and nothing will change the fact that I love you. I love you with all my heart so I need to accept you not being my mate faith wise" I ended the call not knowing anything else to say. I started to tear up. I loved him I really did and know I have to let him go. Lucas hugged me while I cried into his shoulder.

"It's okay Bella, look at me. Everything is okay. Mom is up there seeing how much you've grown, and she will bring light and shine it on you" he gently rubbed his hand on my back soothing me.

"Thank you so much" I cried out. "Anytime sis" he broke the hug. "Let's see what the boys are doing" he smiled leading me to the living room.

"Hey" I said smiling sitting by Aiden and Brandon. Lucas took a seat next to Brandon. "Mom, Uncle, I have something to tell you" Brandon looked up at me and Lucas then Aiden nodded for Brandon to go on. "What is it bud?" Lucas asked. "I have a second mate. But... she's a vampire" he looked down worried about what we would think. "Woah" Lucas replied "oh my that's amazing! What is she like what packs she from?" I asked. I kind of already knew because the visions but I wasn't to sure about them. "I don't know her name. But she's a vampire.." now that... I never saw that coming. Everyone was silent nobody knew what to say at all.

"Well... hopefully she comes and introduces herself welcoming" Lucas smiled. He always found a way to see the good in everyone. "Yeah"Brandon smiled back. "Mom what do you think about this?" Aiden asked. "If it's his mate, it's his mate. Grandma must have decided this because I sure didn't" I laughed. Then everyone else laughed. " thanks mom, for understanding" Brandon smiled. I looked at Lucas. "Well I learn from the best" Lucas smiled at me, I returned it. "Let's watch a movie!" Aiden suggested. "Yeah" we all said.

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