Mixed emotions

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Authors note-
Hey guys, I'm here with a new chapter... if any of you reading this want me to add a character, just put in in the comments so we can talk about it. THANKS AND LETS GET READING!!!

Time skip to lunch
(Yes, they are still at school)

No one's POV-

Star and Marco were walking to the lunch room with Star having a smile on her face ear to ear.
"Star, why are you this happy, you're never this happy?"
"Cause I'm about to ask Oscar to the dance!"
"Ok, don't screw up like I did."
"Awww, thanks Marco!"
Star hugged Marco as tight as she could.
"Ugh... S-Star help I c-can't br-eath."
"Oops, sorry Marco." Star said as she let go of him.
Star and Marco got to lunch and sat by Ferguson and Janna.
(Alfonzo is still at the Pixie Dimension by the way)
"So, Star, when are you going to ask out Oscar?" Said Janna.
"After lunch." Star said as happily as she could.
"Yay......" Marco sarcastically said under his breath.
"What was that Marco?" Said Ferguson.
"Huh... it was nothing" Marco replied.


Star's POV-

"See you guys in a little bit!" I said waving goodbye to them. I was walking on my way to ask Oscar, but a huge wall of flames came right in my face.
I COULD HAVE DIED Star thought...
And guess who came out of the wall of flames.

"Ugh, get out of here Tom we broke up!

"Hey, that's no way to treat your prince." Tom said, offended, about to kiss my hand.
"Don't--" I was interrupted.
"HIYAY" Marco said swooping in and chopping Tom's hand off.
"OW, you little brat, wait till I get my hands on you!"
I freeze Tom before he can even get a move on Marco.
"Marco, what are you doing here?" I said.
"You were taking too long, so I came to find you." Marco said in a worried tone.
"Marco, you get way too worried sometimes, and now that you say it, can you come with me to ask Oscar out?" I said.
"Ok." Marco replied.

Time skip to Oscar's car

Marco's POV-

"Ok, Star, you got this" I said.
"Thanks, Marco!" Star said, hugging me.
I start to blush as she hugs me.
Why do I always blush when we hug?
"Ok, Star, I'll be right here if you need anything." I said, as I leaned on a light post.
"Thanks, Marco." Star says.

Star's POV-

Ok, Star, you got this...
"Hey, Oscar!" I said.
Ok, doing good so far...
"Oh, hey Star, can I ask you something?" Oscar said in a cool voice.
"Anythi-" I was cut off by his lips.
When he was done I just stared at him.
" wa-wha- WHAT!" I said love struck.
"Star, will you go out with me?" Oscar asked.


"See ya after school, Oscar," I said in a sing song voice.
I turned around to tell Marco about my success.
"Hey, where'd Marco go??"

Ok guys, this is the end of the chapter and also CLIFFHANGER!
So I'm just posting this so you guys have something to do while I write my new story!


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