Limousine sex

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Alex's POV
We were sitting in the limousine on the way to the reception he looked at me with his perfect blue eyes sparkling, making me grin widely 'god I love this man' I thought to myself. "These heels are killing me already" I complain bursting into a laughing fit. He look at me and starts laughing too "of course they do Alex", he says picking up my feet placing them on his lap. He takes my shoes off slowly and drops them on the floor.
Max's POV
I look at her leaning against the seat 'perfection right here' I thought to myself. "I love you Max" she says smiling brightly. "And I love you Alex" I say to her returning the smile. I move towards her slowly and she does the same we stop once our faces are only inches apart she wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around her waist. She pulls me into a long and passionate kiss we break apart to catch our breath. I looked into her eyes and then realized 'this was the best decision I've ever made'. She grins and pulls me into another kiss and I start to lay her down.
Alex's POV
Max's kisses start to move down my neck, my fingers playing with his hair and I plant a general kiss on his forehead I pull up my dress as his lips move back up to mine, our kisses are long and passionate. I pull his hair making him moan quietly making me giggle softly. "Max", I say quietly and out of breath "Alex" he says smiling knowing exactly what I'm thinking. "We aren't going to be late for our wedding reception" he says smiling "Ms lord" he continued smiling the brightest smile I've ever seen. I blush when he says my name and I kiss him with so much passion. We pull apart and he takes off my vail "Alex you made me the happiest man alive and now every day I'll get to wake up next to you, love and of course care for you", he states bringing tears to mine and his eyes. "Max I will always love and care for you no matter what", I say kissing him. Our lips re-attached in a passionate kiss. His hands go to my back pulling down the zipper. The dress fell but I giggled against his lips when my shoulder straps didn't fall down. His hands ran against my sides and he slowly slid them down my arms, his fingers lightly skimmed my bare breasts. He pushes me down against the seat in the limo and pulled the dress completely off of my body, he places it carefully on the floor of the limo. He places his hands on my hips and start kissing up my body, he places his mouth around my left nipple and starts sucking making me moan loudly. He switches to my right nipple to give it the same amount of attention. His left hand leaves its place on my hip and slides down to my thighs, he spreads them apart and places his hand directly on my clit through the white lace panties. I moan from my want and need for him. He kisses me and shoves my panties to the side, he runs his fingers through my folds and pushes three into my entrance, curling up to push against my g-spot making me moan loudly into his mouth when his fingers picked up speed. He broke the kiss and started sucking on the sweet spots on my neck, possibly leaving a hickey. "Oh god, baby I'm gonna- Oh fuck!- I'm gonna cum!" I scream before I release all over his fingers. He lets me ride out my high before pulling him fingers out of me. I whimper at the loss of contact and watch him as he opens his mouth to suck my juices off of them. Once my breathing was back to normal I waste no time in undressing him. He was down to his boxers and I started palming him through the fabric. I sit up still palming him and kiss him. He takes my panties off and throws them on the other seat in the limo. I feel him get even harder and I take his boxers off, his erection springing to life. I move my hands up and down his thighs before grabbing his dick in my hand and started to work him. He grabs my hands and moves them away from his member. I look at him confused, did he want to stop? "I want this to last as long as possible. I want, I need  to be in you now." I smile and straddle his lap. I grab his member in my hand and move it to my entrance. I sink down on him moaning lowly at the sensation of being filled. "You are so tight"
"You are so big" We said at the same time. I started bouncing on top of him and moaning as his member kept rubbing my g-spot bringing me closer and closer to my orgasm. He kisses my neck and flips us over so that he is on top. "Faster baby." I demand him, he speeds up and I am moaning uncontrollably, I hear him grunt and know that he is close too. "Let go." I tell him and that's all that it took for both of us to come hard together. He collapsed on top and I ran my fingers through his hair. He sits up once our breathing returns to normal and pulls out. He helps me sit up and we both redress, I fix his hair while he fixes mine and we wait to get to the reception. Knowing the sooner its finished the faster we can get to our hotel and have our honeymoon sex.

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