It was around six PM, and I had left Phil's world. I sat at my window with my feet dangling out in the wind, wearing only my underwear and eclipse t-shirt. The muggy summer breeze ruffled the mass of curls atop my head and I closed my eyes.
My phone, resting beside me, began to buzz. I opened my eyes and glanced at it. Chris's smiling face with his eyes crossed, his arms wrapped around an irritated me, glowed on the screen.
I bit my lip and hit accept, pressing speaker as well.
"Dan?" His voice was, oddly, a relief to hear.
"Hey Chris."
"Oh, thank god. Look, Dan, I know that you're probably angry at us by I just feel so bad and I've been really stressed out thinking about you."
I didn't respond for a few seconds. Then, my shoulders sagged and I exhaled. "It's alright, Chris."
I heard him sigh from the other end of the call, then laugh softly. "Good, good. Would you want to go get something to eat? I really just want to see you Dan."
I felt the corners of my mouth lift ever so slightly and I ran my fingers through my hair. "Why not."
I moaned, laughing. "Of course, you know me so well."
"Alrighty!" Chris's voice had returned to its normal, cheerful state. "See you then, Danny Boy."
"Bye Chris," I replied, and hung up.
I stood on the window, grabbing my phone, and hopped back into my apartment.
Before I went to my bedroom, I poked my head into the bathroom. The screen was black, Phil's face nowhere to be seen.
I turned, deciding to not bother him, and went to my room to get ready.
I pulled on my extra pair of pants, black jeans, and my work boots. I decided to leave my jacket at home, instead putting on a black hoodie that would cover my neck and the wires that protruded from it.
I left the apartment and used my phone to call a cab.
The small yet sleek white car pulled up in front of the forgotten building within ten minutes. The driver was an android, one of the newer models. Her slim body was reddish brown plastic, and she wore a pink cap stop her head. Her bright, solid electric blue eyes blinked at me and her pink lips spread mechanically into a smile.
"Hello Sir. Where Shall I Take You Today?"
I got into the passenger seat on the left side of the car and buckled the seat belt.
"Central New London please," I answered, sliding open my window so that I could rest my elbow on the edge, "the old Sushi Tetsu."
"Yes sir."
The android, "Iris" was on her name tag, drove away from the apartment.
My head out the window, I kept glancing at her out of my peripheral vision. She was an excellent piece of machinery. I wanted to ask what her building process was, but in risk of being impolite I decided against it.
When I was in year ten I built an android of my own. His name was Winnie and he wasn't very intelligent, but he was able to manage a life. Well enough that he just got up and left one day. I had never seen him since.
After about forty five minutes, Iris dropped me off in front of the sushi restaurant. Once clean and a "hot spot" for both tourists and residents of New London, it was now a very underground restaurant. Pj, Chris, and I went here all the time.
I said thank you to Iris, tossing a ten dollar bill onto the dashboard before heading into the building.
I looked across the long bar to see Chris already sitting down. He grinned at me and for a moment I thought he was about to cry.
Practically running, I went over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He did the same and I stood there leaning into his warmth and happiness.
"Jesus on a tricycle," I breathed into his shoulder, still grinning ear to ear, "I missed you Chris."
Chris pulled away and rolled his eyes smugly. "Of course you did, Danny." He reached out and patted the bar stool next to his. "Sit, sit!"
So, I sat. After Chris ordered a few rolls and pieces of sushimi from the two men, and one android, working behind the bar, we talked. It seemed like we were there for hours. We probably were, as we ordered three more rolls and unfortunately, lots of wine. Lots of it.
"That Phil," Chris drawled, "I know he's a creep but...he sure is pretty hot."
I laughed, finishing another glass. "Ha! I know, I know right? He is..."
I felt a buzz on my phone. Even though I was pretty delirious at that point, I managed to remove the phone from my pocket and press the home button.
The screen was bright green, and there was text there.
dAn yOU dIDnT teLL mE yOu wERe leAVinG.
I swallowed, my face scrunching up in confusion.
"Chris," I mumbled, "Chris, Chris...look."
I showed him the screen.
He hicupped and leaned on the bar. "He's worried about you that's all."
"B-But he's never been able to..."
I stopped midsentence as I felt something rest on my knee. I looked down; nothing was there.
"Phil?" I squeaked. The invisible hand moved down my leg in response.
I shook it off, quickly getting to my feet.
"Chris I have to...I have to go home."
"Call a cab, then! You're wasted, mate."
"I'm a big boy, Chris," I said, walking to the door, "I can go myself."
But I stopped and turned around, some piece of my mind still clean.
"Chris," I called, "did you ever know anybody named Cat or Elliot?"
He raised and eyebrow and scratched at his head. "Yeah...yeah I did. In reception."
"Were you friends with them?"
"No, nobody was actually." He swallowed. "They left after the first week. Admitted to the hospital."
I nodded in thanks, then left the establishment.
My head was so messed up. So messed up that I began to walk in the street.
People yelled at me, and cars did their best to swerve out of my way. I could feel Phil grabbing my hands, trying to pull me to the pavement. But I didn't listen.
A horn sounded, and I turned around to see an eighteen wheeler coming my way. Phil, again, tried to pull me from the street. For some reason, my intoxicated mind told me to stay put.
And just as the truck reached a yard away from me, I felt Phil's hands on my head.
I changed, and Phil took over my body.
Phil leaped out of the way of the truck, rolling across the ground. He stood, wiping off his white hospital clothing and pulling the hood over his head.
"Dan," he hissed, "you could have died."
I'm sorry...I replied.
But I didn't say anything else because I was thinking. That little piece of me that was still conscious. Only one thought ran through it.
He's no longer attatched to one computer. He's airborne by every electrical device.A/N: Today's header was sent to me by lesters.divine.eyes on Instagram! Thank you!
Keep sending in more headers, and enjoy the story! 😋

Fanfiction[ This AU was created by maddox_rider, an incredible artist and huge part of the PHANDOM. Find her wonderful work on Instagram, Twitter, tumblr, AND YouTube ] Dan stared at the computer from where he had fallen to on the carpet. The face on the scr...