"Do today what others will copy tomorrow." - Cameron Quiseng
Every time I spoke to El I wanted to tell her what I saw. I wanted to tell her about the letter and see what she had to say about it.
But every time I nearly did I could feel dad's eyes burning into me. So I said nothing. I no longer had any sort of want to tell dad what Eleanor had asked me to keep from him. What he was keeping was worse, getting a letter from the woman he had an affair with...
It was just to weird...
The first day of term four was usually a happy reminder that there's only a couple months to summer vacation. But summer vacation was something I didn't want to come...
"Wait, let me get this straight." Jessie said. "Your dad got a letter from the chick he cheated on your stepmum with and because of that you think he's cheating on your stepmum. Again."
"Yep." I nodded, I looked around checking for about the seventh time that nobody was around. The media had never found out that dad had cheated on El and god knows what would happen if it did...
"Your dad doesn't come across as the kind of guy who cheats on his wife..." Jessie muttered.
"Yeah but he doesn't come across as the kind of guy who hates his child either." I countered.
"Since when does your dad hate you?"
"Since he came from his honeymoon. I swear before he left everything between me and my dad was fine. But ever since he got back it's like he's pissed at me or something..."
"My dad gets like that sometimes... But that's whenever he hears about my mum. He feels kinda stupid or something 'cause mum married before he did. Speaking of my dad, did you ask about going to Emblem3 with me?"
"I just told you my dad's been all pissed at me. Of course I haven't asked."
"Well ask. And if he says no I'll ask him 'cause I'm a very intimidating person."
"Jess... No offence but I don't think you could even intimidate a mouse..."
Jessie frowned. "I intimidate you."
"No..." I muttered shaking my head as she smiled again. "What do you think I should do? I asked my dad about the letter and he's not telling me anything. And he's made it clear if I mention anything to my stepmum he'll kick my ass."
"Just leave it."
"Leave it?"
"It's probably nothing. There's no reason your dad would cheat on Eleanor."
"He did before what's stopping him now?"
"Did you hear about that thing with Zach and Tayla in the holidays?" Jessie asked her voice now hushed.
"No." I lied. "What happened?"
"Apparently Cameron Roth threw a huge party and Zach and Tay-whore went all the way."
"That's shit. They had one make out session."
"How would you know?"
"I was at the party."
"How did you get invited to that party? The party thrown by a bunch of sixteen and fifteen year olds."
I shrugged. "I dated Zach, Corey's been my friend since I was six, and Cam's my Cam."
"Next time you're invited to one of those party's take me with you." Jessie replied as she curled her lip.
"There isn't a next time." I said bluntly. "My dad will murder me if I go to another one-"
"You've been to party's before?"
"Yeah. I went to one at Cam's last year. I snuck out and Corey dobbed me in."
"I feel like there's so much I don't know about you..."
"That's 'cause there is so much you don't know about me. Trust me I've got more issues then the girls in pretty little liars."
"The pretty ones are always the liars." Tayla's ice voice drawled. I didn't even have to turn around to know she was behind us. Of course she'd be eavesdropping...
"Guess that's why you always tell the truth." I replied tartly as I turned around. "If pretty ones always lie..."
"Oh please. Tomlinson, you wouldn't know pretty if it came up and slapped you in the face." Tayla hissed.
"All I have to do is look in the mirror." I shrugged. "What do you have to do?"
"You think your so cocky don't you? You think you're just so cool wearing your designer clothes. You know I went shopping with my mum and saw that top, it was what was it now... Over a hundred pounds. Don't you think that's a little to expensive Tells?"
"What? Are you jealous or something?"
"Jealous of what? That whenever you want something you go to daddy's bank account. Please, you'd be surprised what's up my sleeves."
"Your just a bitch aren't you?"
"We've been friends since the first grade. You'd think you'd know by now."
Jessie scoffed. "Know what? That you're a psycho bitch?"
"That I play dirty." Tayla seethed. "By the way, nice braces Tomlinson. I'd ask where you got them but... Well I don't need to know." And then she was gone.
Mr Grey was doing his usual "Welcome back" speech to our English class, and as usual everyone was practically asleep. I could probably flash Noel Black who was sitting in the seat behind me and he would still be asleep.
Spoke to soon.
I snapped my head around glaring at Noel who had the usual smirk plastered on his face.
"Black." I hissed. "Can I help you?"
"Must be terrible knowing Tayla's going out with Pierce." Noel replied. "I mean, then the fact they apparently did some stuff... Must feel bad."
"Why would I care?" I snapped."Why do you care? How do you even know Pierce?"
"My older brother's on the football team as well babe."
"Don't call me babe."
"Why? If you ever want to make Pierce jealous," Noel held out a piece of paper to me. "Take it Tomlinson."
I frowned but took the note from his hand, watching as he smirked again. I opened the note, rolling my eyes.
Instagram me babe❤️ No3l_black
"I'd give you my number but we're not at that stage of the relationship." Noel added as I glared at him.
"Funny," I replied tartly. "Just fuck off."
"I'm in the seat behind you."
"She said fuck off." Xavier cut in. "So fuck off."
Noel stiffened a smirk, before slouching back in his seat, giving me a nod before whispering something to the boy next to him.