Chapter 10- What do i do now?

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This is back to Carmen's pov. Hope you guys liked seeing his thought process. As always keep voting and leave me comments please!


These last two weeks have dragged so bad. I mean I was happy to spend time with Arlo and Briana but once my abilities kicked in it was hard I could hear everyone's thoughts and I didn't like what I saw. I was glad my brother and best friend were so happy but I was ready to move on with my life. At first they weren't happy with my choosing to leave so soon but because I could read there thoughts I was able to counter their every thought. I know Lorenzito had said it was a possibility but I wasn't really thinking I had a chance I never saw myself as powerful. On top of the mind reading i am pretty sure I have a second ability but I would have to ask him because I am not sure. I managed to ask Briana to drive me to the next town over and I told her I would be taking a bus and just see where it took me. She wasn't thrilled with the plan but she was happy that I promised to keep in touch.

I got to the locker and found a good size duffel bag and sat down to open it. I was amazed when I looked inside and seen a substantial amount of money there was probably one hundred thousand dollars in there as well as a cell phone labeled me and one labeled your family. I instantly got that one was for me to call him and one was for me to use for my own family. I sat there for over an hour wondering how the conversation would go. I couldn't help but wonder if he missed me as much as i missed him. I tried to dial the number a couple times but I couldn't bring myself to push the button. I finally decided to just do it and get it over with. I held my breath and dialed the number and hit send.

Hello I heard his voice answer. My stomach fluttered at the sound of his voice. I said hello and waited for him to respond. He asked me if i found everything ok and I answered back with a quick yes. He asked me how it was transitioning into my abilities and I told him it took some effort controlling them but it wasn't to bad. He told me to come to his cousins house and she would help me with anything and she would be able to teach me as much as possible. I couldn't contain my excitement when I told him that I had in fact gotten a awesome ability. I explained I could hear everyone's thoughts. He sounded amazed and scared when I told him what I could do. He told me that he had something to do and that I could call him any time I needed him, but that I should come to his cousins house asap. He gave me the address and I assured him I would be making my way there. With that the phone disconnected and I was sad I wanted to tell him about my other ability but I was more sad cause he didn't seem as excited to talk to me as i had been.

I arrived at his cousins house later that night and I wasn't sure what to expect from her. I knew very little about his life. I was stunned how amazingly beautiful and large this house was. I stood outside trying to prepare myself before knocking on the door. Good thing I didn't have to wait long a beautiful girl with long brown hair came out and said you must be Carmen. I nodded and she said my name is Alyssa and I have been dying to meet you. We went inside and she showed me to my room it was bigger than Arlo's home. I had my own bathroom with separate tub and shower and there were jets in my tub. I could stay here forever, i thought. She asked me if I was hungry and I told her I was, I never actually had eaten anything since i changed.

I could tell she wanted to ask me something but was hesitant. I seen her thoughts pass thru my mind and she was worried I wouldn't like her. I kind of giggled and she asked why and I explained that I too was worried she wouldn't like me. She told me Lorenzito was basically like her brother and if he liked me she would ultimately adore me. I felt content finally even though i longed for him. I asked her the one thing that Lorenzito never told me how do we find our food. She gave me a knowing look and said some vamps just hunt the nearest human they can find. That made me think of my poor family and how they could be any vamps meal. She continued on telling me that some of them actually fed on the evilest humans they could find. I liked that idea way better. I asked her if we killed them or just drank from them. She told me it was up to me that we could do either but never drink from a dead human. It was very unpleasant for us. She assured me that if we drank from them and then we licked the wound they would have about fifteen minutes of no memory. So it had to stay under fifteen minutes. However if we chose to kill them we had to make it look like a human death or burn the body. She said cleaning up our feedings is one of the most important things we have to do.

She decided that we would go hunting tonight and that it would give us time to get to know each other. She took me to a bar off the beating path and she said that we could sit up on the roof until we found a duo we liked. We talked about the mind reading and she admitted that she was jealous and would love that ability. After about an hour or two a couple came out. I could see he intended to have his way with her anyway he could get her, even if that meant by force and she was waiting to steal his wallet when she let him have a piece of her. I decided they were the perfect targets. She said to follow her and she jumped off the building down to the alley where they were making out. She looked so graceful. I was worried I wouldn't be able to do it but I couldn't let my old self hold me back any longer. I jumped down as well I'm sure not at all as graceful as she had but i was quiet and that was all that mattered.

We grabbed the couple and held them quietly as we drank from them. It was amazing I didn't get the warmth i had from Lorenzito but it was satisfying. We licked the wounds so they would forget what had happened and I guess neither one of us had been paying much attention because two guys walked up on us and thought we were trying to rob the young couple. They instantly began coming at us ready to attack. We assured them we were trying to help them but they were thirsty for a fight and the fact we were two women made them thirsty in a different way. I heard Alyssa whisper stay behind me, that I wouldn't be able to control my strength. I agreed and let her take them on. She was swift and knew how to kick some butt she easily threw one of the guys against a dumpster and the other one got even more angry and decided he would make her suffer for that. I felt sorry for the guy knowing just how strong we were I knew he didn't stand a chance.

She easily hit him and and knocked his legs out from under him and was heading towards me when the first guy pulled out a gun and aimed it for Alyssa's back. I screamed and before she could duck I let my mind fling that dumpster at him and he went flying into a wall. She looked at me with a scared and worried look but she quickly told me to feed on the one guy and lick the wound to make him forget what had happened. I did it without hesitating. We left there and went back to her house. I told her I wanted a shower and she said when I was done she would like to talk to me about what had happened. I wasn't sure why she looked so worried but I agreed. I went to the bathroom and ran a hot bath and let those jets tickle me. I remembered before these abilities those would have worked out any kinks I had but now they almost had no effect it was like I knew they were there but could barely feel them. Ok so that was probably the first bummer since gaining my ability's.

After my bath I went down to the living room where she had the fireplace going and some soft music on. I thought it was very cozy. She opened the conversation by saying I know you haven't known me to long but I could trust her and she hoping I would accept her as the sister I never had. I felt completely comfortable with her so I wasn't sure where she was going with this conversation. Did I do something wrong? I asked. No not all actually you saved me I wouldn't have died from the gun but it would have been unpleasant for a day or two. Then what is it I asked. I could see her trying to form the right words but having a hard time. Finally she asked, so your ability is to move things with your mind? Well that and reading peoples minds I added. Amazing she gasped. Her face was deep in thought but her mind was to garbled to understand.

She explained that a select few had the ability to read thoughts, and even those had limitations. Some could read human thoughts only and other could read vamps, and some yet could read both. She paused and I told her I could read both. Then that worried look came on her face and she explained that vampires who are born, age in human years until their eighteenth birthday and then they age one human year per every fifty years. I told her that Lorenzito explained that. She said she was twenty five years old. Which meant she lived 368 years. Wow I thought that's amazing. She continued the thing is in my 368 years I have never once seen or heard of anyone doing anything like that. Huh I thought that's weird. I heard myself mumble whats wrong with me? She laughed and said nothing but I would like to take you to a friend of mine who is part vamp and part witch maybe he can shed some light on why you are so special. Special I thought ya right, but i agreed to meet with this person. She added that we would go first thing in the morning. That night we stayed up all night just talking about ourselves and I was surprised to see how much her and Lorenzito had already talked about. Maybe he didn't miss me but he had felt comfortable telling her part of my story. We had spent hours talking and finally when the sun began to show its self we got our things and headed to this half vamp half witch.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Remember please vote and comment! Thanks!

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