Chapter 15: New Friends

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Chapter 15: New Friends


It was a Great White.

Also known as the biggest predators in our oceans.

But this didn't make any since, I was in a fresh water lake, there wouldn't be enough food let alone habitat for one of these creatures.

Had it eaten Matt? Is that why I couldn't find him? He ha been eaten by one of the biggest predators on Earth!

My mind was going into over drive, but my mind was also on red alert, but not enough for me to notice the huge shark jumping out of the water towards me until it was too late......

I woke up in bed screaming. I didn't notice was not dying in the lake with a vicious Great White eating me until after I saw my reflection in the mirror across the room.

I let out a breath and tried to get my heartbeat back to normal. It was beating erratically and I was sweating buckets.

"Hey Kat, are you ready to go and train?" Matt asked after we had stopped kissing.

"Heh, about that....."


Since I didn't quite feel safe in the water after my little dream, I decided that I didn't really feel like having a water work out.

Thanks be to good that Matt was okay with not training in the water for the day, he always had a back up. We were going to do dry land training and try to build up some endurance.

The only thing I hated about dry land is something that all swimmers hate.


Swimmers are not runners and runners are not swimmers. Even though running helps a swimmers ling capacity and swimming helps build up leg muscle.

It just doesn't mix.

I have a bad case of exercise induced asthma and it never effects me when I swim because when you breathe while swimming your pores are open making it easier for oxygen to come in. When your running you have to deal with air pressure and not having open pores.

But Matt being well in shape for running, (even though he hates it too) set up a running set for us.

But it wasn't just him and I, oh no it was every body.

"But I don't wanna run!" Jared whined.

"Well too bad your going to, and you better kick your butt into shape before you go off into college and play football." I said back.

"Why do we have to do this?" Lucas asked.

"We'll if you are going to try out for late try outs on the football team, you need to be in shape." I told him. He groaned but laced up his shoes anyway.

"Ready babers?" Johnny asked coming up behind me in his work out clothes.

"Sure but I hate running." I told him honestly.

"I know, but you know it's going to help you." He said in that sickly sweet voice that was almost like rubbing it in.

"Of course only you." I said back.

I was wearing yoga pants and a tight t-shirt.

I walked out of the house and started to stretch while waiting on everyone else to come out of the house.

I heard a wolf whistle as I reached down to touch my toes. I stopped and turned around.

Johnny was standing there, but e had on a different shirt.

"Aren't you sexy.." He drawled out.

Just then real Johnny came out from inside and smacked his brother up side the head and called him a not-so-nice word.

I ignored them and started to jog, sick of waiting for everyone else. I put in my head phones and started off easy. I was listening to some Lindsey Sterling when I saw a shadow coming up behind me.

I knew that shadow to be Matt. I kept my pace even and continued. We were planning on a three and a half mile run. I could run about two and a half possibly three of it before my lungs would protest.

I saw Matt come up on my right and pass me with ease. Of course. He was champion at running for our team. Then I saw two more shadows coming up on both sides of me. Identical.

The twins passed me. But they didn't just easily pass. Oh no. They were sprinting.

They were trying to see who was better. I rolled my eyes. I decided why not race them. I was no where near as fast as Johnny, he was after all quarterback of the football team.

I sped my pace up to a sprint and easily caught up to them. I of course wanted them to work for their money. So I sped ahead of them.

I was running at the fastest I had ever run.

They weren't far behind. I grinned as I pushed myself a little farther. And farther and farther. My legs burned and so did my lungs. It started to feel like I couldn't breathe.

I immediately stopped. I started coughing, and I couldn't stop. It was getting worse and worse. I started to feel acid coming up my throat, I was have a moderate asthma attack.

I was having a bad gag reflex from how hard I was coughing. I knew this was going to happen.

Johnny and Lucas had stopped and were trying to coach me through it. But I had tuned them out. What I needed was my inhaler. But I didn't even think to bring it on the trip because of how rarely I used it.

"What's going on?" I heard a new voice approach. But I couldn't look up trying to focus on my breathing, or lack there of.

The voice sounded somewhat familiar.

"Who are you?" Lucas asked, almost defensively.

Johnny wasn't even paying attention to them I could hear in his voice that he was beginning to eat really worried.

"I'm Sebastian, Kat and I met two days ago, I walked her home after she ha ran from the house. Is she having an asthma attack?" He said very quickly. I knew his voice was familiar.

"Yes she is, she has exercise induce asthma." Lucas snapped at him. Looking worried at me.

Next thing I knew I had an inhaler thrust in my face and I had taken it and began the procedure of breathing it in.

I could hear the guys yelling about it possibly being the wrong one and it could kill me and blah blah blah. But I was focusing on the relief it was giving me.

"Thank you Seb." I said weakly. He just smiled at me.

Everyone else had piled around me by now. I could see the panic in my brothers eyes. When we were little and the first time it happened I had almost died from having no oxygen, so my brother knew what could happen, since he witnessed it first hand.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I said warding everyone off. I stood up, but as soon as I did my eyes got big and I turned around and I vomited on the grass.

Everyone did a collective "Ew" and looked away.

I started to feel dizzy and sick. I grabbed on to someone for support and didn't realize it was Ian until he had picked me up.

Everone started back towards the house and Ian carried me the whole way. Everyone continued to ask me if I was okay except for Johnny and Sebastian, who both had different looks of their faces.

I was tired after the lengthy run and heaving up my guts onto the pavement. I started to doze off. I could hear everyone talking to Seb, asking him different questions about himself but Johnny never uttered a word. Everytime I opened my eyes for a few seconds I saw his blue-gray gaze stuck on me.

He looked like we was waiting for his fragile flower to break into a million tiny pieces before his eyes and he looked scared.

But I was his fragile flower.

I never really realized how fragile and weak I could look in someone's eyes.

But it was that thought that upset me. I wasn't fragile or weak. I was strong and I couldn't just break if someone just breathed in my direction. But that's how Johnny was making me feel under his intense gaze.


Like I would break into a million tiny pieces in any second, and he would be left to pick up the pieces.

I didn't understand why he was looking at me like that. He knew about my health problems, but he was almost looking at me like he knew something could happen or had already happened that would break me, and he was bracing himself for it.

Once we got back to the house I was carried straight up to bed, by the graciousness of Ian. I thanked him and asked him to bring Johnny up. He told me he would get him.

As I laid in bed and thought about the upcoming school year I thought about what new drama I would be dragged into. I tended to be the person that everyone cane to for advice and whatever I said would come back to haunt me because ten more people would ask for help.

Johnny came upstairs. He came in and laid down next to me wrapping his arms around me and bringing me close.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

"I'm fine, how are you?" He asked back.

"Fine, if not a little tired I suppose." I said.

"You really scared me today." He said honestly.

"I'm sorry." I said honestly and snuggled closer.

"From now on you don't run with out your inhaler, who knows what would have happened if that pansy hadn't showed up." He said sounding frustrated.

"Did you just call Sebastian a pansy?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, yes I did." He said unabashed.

I stared at him like he was a lunatic. But didn't have any thing to say.

"He's a good guy." I said.

"You barely know him." He said back.

"True but I have the feeling that I can trust him, so I'm going to trust my instincts." I said.

"But what happens when your instincts turn out to be wrong, what then?" He asked.

"Then you'll be right there behind me ready to tell me that I was wrong and you told me so, and to help pick up the pieces, just like any other time." I said slightly annoyed just like it was true.

"I don't trust him." Johnny said bluntly.

"You don't trust any guy who comes with in a 15 foot radius if me." I said back.

"Meh." Johnny said shrugging not denying it.

I rolled my eyes.

"But I don't trust anyone who tries to take you away from me in anyway, because your all mine, forever and always, right." He said hugging me tighter to him.

"Forever and always." I repeated.....


A/N: okay, I brought this chapter in for two reasons.

One I wanted Sebastian to have a bigger impact on her life that just some stranger she meet in the dark in the middle of the street. He will become more active.

And Two because this illness is going to become more important later on in the book yet.

And now who liked calm and collected Johnny?

He still had his touch of possessiveness but was a cuddly teddy bear.

Why is Lucas so touchy when in comes to Kat?

Why is Seb always there at the right moments? Is he a physic?







And keep on reading!




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