~In the ocean~
Inquisitor: That girl is so close. I need to make she doesn't kiss the kid. I have to take matters to my own hands.
~At the base~
Ezra: Kanan, I love her. She's the one I just need to find her.
Kanan: We'll see about that. You know, there something great up there in that tower. Maybe Sabine will make you happy.
*Ezra was left and started to go inside when he heard singing. He looked in the direction of the song*
~The next day~
Zeb: Guys, wake up.
Hera: What now?
Zeb: Congrats Sabine. Didn't think you would pull it off but you did.
*Sabine started waking up*
Hera: What are you talking about?
Zeb: Sabine made a deal with the inquisitor. Now Sabine will get married with Ezra.
*Sabine got excited and left the room. She arrived outside but saw Ezra with another girl*
Kanan: Well, I guess your girl does exist. Congrats for both.
Ezra: Thank you. We wish to get married at sundown.
Kanan: Of course. We'll get the ship ready.
*Sabine left the room without talking to Hera and Zeb on the way. Sabine Stayed with Chopper on the shore while Hera and Zeb attended the wedding. Sabine broke down and started crying*
Zeb: We have to get her there. It was the witch. She transformed that's why Kanan or Ezra recognized her.
Chopper: Sabine, we have to get you there.
Fenn: I'll go get her father.
*Sabine jumped in the water and started swimming. Chopper took control of the water speeder and Zeb went for back up*
~At the boat~
*Sabine climbed on while the rebels distracted the inquisitor. She dropped the voice bottle and broke. The voice returned back to Sabine and Ezra was brought out of the trance*
Ezra: Sabine?
Sabine: Ezra.
Ezra: You can talk.
Sabine: Ezra I...
*Sabine feel and went back to her old self. The inquisitor took Sabine back to the water*
Ezra: No. I'm going after her.
Kanan: Ezra, get back here.
Hera: Listen and come back.
Ezra: No. I lost her once, I'm not going to lose her again.
~In the ocean~
Inquisitor: I'm not going after you. I just want the saber.
Father: Inquisitor, stop.
Inquisitor: Ha, your highness. How are you?
Father: Unhand my daughter.
Inquisitor: No. We had a deal.
*The king attacked but failed*
Inquisitor: This deal can't be broken, not even by you. But we could make a trade.
*The king gave up the darksaber and became a plant*
Sabine: Dad?
Inquisitor: Yes. Now I have one of the best sabers in the galaxy. Ha ha.
Sabine: You...you monster.
Inquisitor: Be quiet. You just wanted to follow your dream and that's what I gave you. This is goodbye dear.
*The inquisitor got a shot from Ezra. Sabine swam up and got Ezra*
Sabine: Ezra, you need to go. It's to dangerous.
Ezra: I'm not leaving you behind.
*Suddenly The inquisitor came up and had both her sabers ready to destroy. Sabine and Ezra were sent in different directions making Ezra land on a ship*
Inquisitor: Now both the empire and the rebellion will bow to my power. Both sides of the force at my command. Sith lords will rise in power. Jedi and Mandolorians will go down one by one. Starting with this mandolorian.
*The inquisitor looked straight at Sabine and got ready to attack. Ezra then came in and stabbed the inquisitor and ended in the water again. Everything went back to normal*
~Minutes later~
*Sabine sat at a rock near the surface waiting for Ezra to wake up while Fenn and the king*
Father: She really does love him doesn't she?
Fenn: She does. But it's like what I say. Kids should be free to make their own choices.
Father: You always say that?
*Fenn just looked away. The king put the saber in the water and sent a wave making Sabine transform into her rebel self once again. Ezra woke up and saw Sabine come out of the water. He ran up to her and carried her. He gave her a kiss. They got married then Whitey jumped on Sabine. Sabine went to the side to see her dad and family*
Sabine: I love you daddy.
*She gave her dad a hug before he want back down to the sea. She and Ezra kissed again before saying bye to the sea*

(UR, Incomplete) Star Wars Fairy tales
FanfictionWelcome to the world of Star Wars and Disney stories. Wouldn't it be cool if instead of a princess, Sabine took in the place and Ezra got the part of the prince? Bringing some of the worst empirials back to life? If you want that, you'll love this.