Chapter One: The Invitation

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"Bye, Casey! See you tomorrow!" 14-year-old, Kyra Sanchez, waved to her best friend, Casey Monroe.

"See ya, Ky!" Casey ran to her mom's car.

Kyra smiled and got on her bus right before it left. It was a normal sized bus even though they only had around 15 people on it. That was because their bus driver also drove little elementary school kids around.

'Aren't we lucky,' Kyra thought.

She sat in her favorite spot in the front, right behind the driver. Kyra didn't know why she liked that spot so much, she just did. It was the quietest spot on the bus, surprisingly.

Once Kyra got home, she did her homework, ate dinner, showered, and got ready for bed. Just like every other day.

And, just like every other day, Kyra watched a school bus full of kids driving around. They all looked tired. It wasn't the 'it's late at night and I wanna sleep' tired, though. It was more of the 'Why couldn't I just stay in bed and not get up for school' kind of tired.

Kyra looked at the clock. 11:30 PM, it read. She always wondered what school would start this late at night.

The bus suddenly stopped not far from her house and picked up kids. As it passed her window, Kyra gasped. She looked closer at the bus driver and realized that it was her everyday bus driver, Micheal.

Maybe she could ask him about everything tomorrow. Kyra nodded to herself in confirmation of the plans and fell asleep.

In the morning, Kyra was determined to talk to Micheal. She tried to do it once she got on the bus, but she backed down from nervousness. When she got to school, Kyra waited until everyone got off the bus to finally get up.

"Hey, Micheal?" she asked. "I wanted to ask you about something."

"Sure thing, kid. Whatacha need?"

"Well..." Kyra started. "I saw you last night, driving the bus full of kids."

Micheal was looking at an envelope in his hands intently, and he didn't flinch at her statement like Kyra thought he would.

"Oh, did you?"

Kyra nodded. "Yeah, and I was wondering what school starts that late at night?"

Micheal raised an eyebrow at her. "Do you really want to know?"

Kyra nodded excitedly. This had to be good. Kyra got down on her knees and gave him the best puppy dog eyes that she could.

"Please, please, please, tell me, Micheal! Or the suspense will kill me!"

Micheal looked back at the letter in his hands. After a few minutes he spoke.

"This one," he said calmly.

Before Kyra could call him out and say that Issactown High School doesn't have a night program, Micheal shoved the letter in her hands and partially pushed her off the bus.

Kyra stood there and watched him as he quickly drove off. She turned over the envelope in her hand.

'To Ms. Kyra Sanchez : Open Only When Alone', it read.

Kyra looked around and saw no one with her. She was about to open the letter when the bell rang.

"Shizz!" She yelled as she quickly ran to class.

The letter would have to wait until later.

----------------------------------------------Time Skip To After School------------------------------------------------

"Bye, Ky!" Casey called.

Kyra payed her no attention as she quickly ran to her bus.

She wanted to ask Micheal more questions, and this time (with no way out, he would have to listen to her.

"Micheal! I need to-" Kyra froze as she saw an unfamiliar person in the driver seat of the bus.

"Micheal's not here," said the woman. "He said he felt sick."

Kyra nodded, even though she knew it was a lie. She sat down in her usual spot, watching the trees and houses and cars go by.

Soon she was home, Kyra tried to everything as quickly as she could. As soon as Kyra finished dinner, she asked if she could go to bed.

"Why the rush, sweetheart?" her mother asked.

Kyra hated lying to her parents (especially her mother), but she put on a sad smile. "I'm just feeling really tired."

'Tired of being in the dark,' she thought.

Luckily, her parents believed her and allowed to downstairs to her room.

Once Kyra made sure she was alone, she took the envelope out of her backpack and started to open it.

Dear Ms. Sanchez,

We are happy to inform you that you have been accepted into Issactown Night School where you will learn about the magic of the night. It's much more interesting then you would think.

Classes start at 12:00 AM, be sure to come on time!

Your bus will arrive around 11:30 PM, do not miss it. If you do, you will be marked absent since you cannot ask your parents for a ride.

You may not tell anyone about this. If you do, there will be dire consequences.

You will receive your supplies in the main office on your first day.

Your first day will be 10/16/18.

Good luck!

-Headmistress Emilia Downe and Headmaster Julian Downe

Kyra reread the letter at least ten times. Emilia Downe and Julian Downe... Kyra felt like she should know those names. She gasped in realization.

Mrs. Emilia Downe was the principal of her school, and her husband, Julian Downe, was the vice-principal!

Would there be anyone else there that Kyra knew?

She looked at the clock. 11:05 PM. She had to start getting ready!

Even if this was just some kind of joke, Kyra just had to know about this 'night school'. Curiosity did kill the cat!

Kyra swung her bag around her shoulders, walked outside, and crossed the street.

The bus had just gotten there.

Kyra sat in her usual seat right behind Micheal, just like every other day.

Satisfaction brought it back.


A/N: Ok, so this is just some new idea that popped into my head when I was out the other with my family and it was around 9 PM and I saw a school bus full of kids. This wasn't as long as I wanted it to be, but it's a start! Let me know what you think of this story!

Don't forget to comment, vote, and R&R please!


Reyna <3

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