Chapter Two: The First Day

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Once the bus arrived at school, Kyra immediately felt kinda queasy. Everyone else seemed to be moving so fast. It was almost as if Kyra was there alone. Even Micheal seemed to vanish.

Kyra felt her head spinning. She tried to stand up, but her head was killing her. The bus was spinning too fast. What was happening? Kyra closed her eyes, trying to block any light from her vision, knowing that would only make things worse.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed Kyra's arm and she felt things being slowed down. She could see people clearly (sort of, anyways). Her stomach still felt a bit queasy.

"Take it easy..." a calm voice said. "It takes some time to get use to the time change... Haha! Time to get use to the time change!"

It took a few minutes, but Kyra's head finally stopped pounding on her skull and her stomach settled down. She looked at the person in front of her.

It was a girl, she around Kyra's age. She had pale skin, long red hair, some freckles, and a concerned look on her face.

"Are you okay?" the girl asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay now," Kyra nodded slowly. "Thanks."

The girl helped Kyra to her feet and smiled, "No problem! I'm C.C., by the way. C.C. Valdez."

"I'm Kyra Sanchez."

C.C. gasped excitedly. "So you're the new girl that I'm supposed to show around! We have all the same classes together so I was chosen to be your guide!"

Kyra smiled widely. She hasn't even gotten into the school yet and already she has a new friend!

"Great!" Kyra said. "I can't wait to start my first day!"

C.C. clapped her hands excitedly. She grabbed Kyra's wrist and ran with her off the bus. When they got to the front door, Kyra held out her hand to open it. C.C. put her hand down and shook her head.

"What?" Kyra asked confused. "How do you expect us to get inside? Jump in through the window?"

C.C. laughed. She put up her hand. Kyra took notice of the watch she was wearing. It had four hands instead of three. The watch seemed to glow as C.C. raised her hand to the door.

Kyra watched in amazement as the door itself glowed, too. C.C. put her hand down and motioned for Kyra to open the door.

Kyra hesitated before putting her hand on the handle. She looked to C.C. for confirmation. Her friend nodded eagerly.

The door was very slowly opened; and when Kyra looked inside, she forgot how to breathe.

The old, run down school that went to everyday was gone. It was replaced by what looked to be a real-life Hogwarts! There were at least 3 floors above her; kids weren't just walking around, some were floating; some kids made plants grow, some were visible one second and not visible another.

'Magic...' Kyra thought. 'It's magic...'

"-ello! Kyra!? You alive in there!?" C.C. was waving her hand in front of Kyra's face, making her come back to reality.

Kyra was at lost for words. "This place...It's... It's..."

"Amazing?" C.C. supplied her. "Magical? Incredible?"

Kyra nodded. "That and more! How is this even possible?"

C.C. took a deep breath. "Okay, here's goes nothing!" She elbowed Kyra. "They wanted me to explain this to you in a certain way. Let's see if my old noggin can remember it!" C.C. cleared her throat and began. "Okay, so in the night time, a special stone called a Myintus reacts to certain people. They are called Myinti, Myintus for singular. The stone give the Myinti certain abilities. Like controlling air, controlling light, controlling vegetational life-"

"I don't think 'vegetational' is a word..." Kyra interrupted.

C.C. glared at her. "Would you shh!? I'm trying to be serious for five minutes of my life!"

Kyra put her hands up in surrender and stifled a laugh.

"Anyways, a long time ago, some of these Myinti decided that they needed to learn how to use and control their abilities. They also wanted to help younger Myinti learn about their abilities, as well. And so, the Night Schools were born! These watches we have contain our own small little pebble from a Myintus stone. We come to school here at night to learn about our powers, their history, and how to keep in control. So... yeah... TADA!"

As soon as C.C. finished, the bell rang and Kyra and dragged to class by her friend. They sat down in two empty desks that were next to each other.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" A girl voice spoke from behind them.

Kyra and C.C. turned around. Behind them was a girl with short and choppy black hair which had a neon pink stripe in it. She wore a black leather jacket, a grey T-Shirt, black leggings, and a watch, of course.

C.C. smiled, "Hey, Selena! This is Kyra, the new girl I'm showing around!"

Selena looked Kyra up and down. Then she groaned and turned to C.C..

"Where's her watch, genius?"

C.C. gasped and did a face-palm. "I complete forgot! I'll go get it really quickly! Can you explain the watches thingy to her, Sel?"

Selena rolled her eyes at the nickname and shrugged.

"Thanks! BRB!" C.C. ran out of the room.

Selena shook her head and chuckled a bit. "Don't mind her, she has a brain of a 2 year old."

Kyra laughed, "I noticed. But she seems nice."

"She is. C.C. has been my best friend since I started going to Night School 6 years ago," Selena gave a small smile. "Anyways, the watches are pretty sick. They help you do magic and stuff, but they also help you stay in the time loop."

Kyra gave her a confused look.

"You see how there are 4 hands instead of 3? That 4th hand is for milliseconds. Most clocks actually have them, but they move so fast that you don't even see them outside of the loop. When you pull up in front of the school, you're affected by the time loop. Milliseconds become seconds, seconds become minutes, minutes become hours, and an hour is almost 3 days."

Kyra's jaw dropped. What. The. Heck. She wanted to rethink her whole life, but (unfortunately) there was no time for that.

Selena laughed, "I told you, it's sick. Look here comes the crazy train now with your watch."

C.C. skipped back into the room happily. In her hands was a box, which she handed to Kyra.

"Here ya go, Ky! Can I call you Ky? You know what, Imma call you Ky anyways!"

Kyra laughed and took the box from her. She opened it and found *insert gasp here* a watch!

It fit like a glove. It was plain black and looked like one of those super expensive watches that only the President could afford. Kyra took notice of the 4th hand.

"Okay class! I want to introduce some new students!" called a male teacher.

"You ready for your first day, Rookie?" Selena asked her.

Kyra eyed a bunch of bags filled with supplies that were in the front of the classroom; specifically, the one with her name.

She smiled confidently.

"Bring it on."


A/N: WOOHOO!!! This chapter definitely is better than the first one! BTW C.C. Valdez is supposed to be Chloe Smith A.K.A. ChloeCGS . You are welcome, chica!!!

Remember to please R&R!!!

See you guys next chapter!!!


Reyna <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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